chapter 9 a new power

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Morning Caleb slowly gets up out of bed, trying not to wake her. He walks to the bathroom, and a board creaks. Fubuki opens her eyes. "Is it time to get up?" "Yeah," Caleb said. She gets up and follows him into the bathroom.

Time skip a few minutes later the duo walk downstairs and to their surprise everything was repaired. "Wow, you all repaired everything while we were asleep?" Caleb asked "Yeah we wanted to surprise you two." Lily said.

"Well, you all did a great job. I'm proud of you guys." Fubuki said. "Thanks, lady Fubuki."

They all go in the kitchen and start eating. "So how did you beat him?" Mouthtain ape asks. "I beat him using ma-" Fubuki slaps her hand over his mouth. "He beat him using psychic powers." Fubuki said. She looks at him, and he nods. She removes her hand from his mouth.

"How did he even get inside without us noticing." Mountain ape asked. "I looked at the window, and it looked like it was forced open." Eyelashes said. "Since he forced his way in, I'm gonna make sure he can't do it again." Caleb said as he used his psychic powers to form a barrier around the house. "There now he won't be able to get in now."

"You can't hold him off by putting a barrier up. Dont you remember, he can destroy it?." Fubuki asked "Yeah I remember, but you forgot that psychics can feel when a barrier is broken."

"Oh, sorry, I forgot about that." She rubs her arm embarrassed. "You don't have to be nervous. We all forget things from time to time." He whispered to where she could only hear him.

Everyone gets done eating. "Do you wanna go and train today?" She asks."I guess but I do wanna teach you martial arts."

He grabs her hand, and he leads her to the door. He waves his hand and makes an opening in the psychic barrier. They both walk out the barrier, and he closes it behind him. "Hold your hands up like this, then you take a step forward and jab your hands forward." He shows her how to do it she copys him. "There you go, you got it." She keeps doing it, then white streaks come off her hands. "You're a fast learner." Caleb said.

"You really think so?" She asked. "Yeah, and now hit me with it." He said, "Are you crazy?" She asks him "no im not crazy why did you ask that?"

"Because I don't wanna hurt you." He walks up to her and lays his hand on her shoulder. "You won't hurt me, I promise."

"Okay, if you say so." He steps back. "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST!" Her attack hits him, and he gets sent flying back. He flips in the air and lands on his feet. "Jesus, you pack a punch."

"Woah," she said as he looked up at her. "I dont understand how you hit me with that much force. You literally just learned martial arts."

"What can I say? I'm a fast learner." She said, "That's impossible it took me a week to master it." He said. "Seems like you're jealous."

"No, im not jealous it's just that I'm surprised."  He looks away blushing "come on, admit it already. You are jealous."

He looks up at her "okay fine im jealous." She smiles. He then throws a karate chop at her neck she simply blocks it with her forearm.

His eyes widen in shock. "Why did you just try to hit me?" She asks. "I uh."

"Oh, you want to fight me. Well, if that's what you want, then that's what you'll get." She pushes him back.

She jumped forward, fixing to hit him. He jumped over her, doing a backflip. "I don't want to hurt you." He said, worried.

She turns around. "Try me." Her eyes start glowing she takes her dress off and throws it to the side.

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