chapter 5

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Day 4 morning

Caleb opens his eyes and feels wet he looks over at Fubuki, his eyes widen. She has blood coming out of her mouth he throws the cover back and sees she got stabbed. "No no no no this can't be happening."

"Oh, it is alright." A man said as he walked out from the dark corner into view. "W-Who are y-you?" Caleb  asked, scared. "My name is Jake." Caleb eyes widen "no no no you can't be here." Caleb said, scared Jake runs at him his powers weren't working, and he gets stabbed.

Caleb wakes up from his dream yelling. She scoots over and wraps her arms around him. "Shh, it's okay. You were having a nightmare." She rocks him back and forth. "I d-dreamed you got stabbed, and the guy came at me and killed me." He breaks down crying. "It's okay, don't worry, I would never let that happen. Besides my group will protect us, you have nothing to worry about."

A few minutes pass, and he calms down. "T-Thank you for calming me down." He said."You don't have to thank me." He turns around."Why not?" He asked "because it's what I'm supposed to do. I'm your girlfriend, after all." She told him. "Well, I'm glad to have an amazing girlfriend like you in my life." He pulls her into a hug.

"I love you." She said, 'I love you too, baby." He said,"You wanna go downstairs now?" She asked. "Yeah, let's go." They both head downstairs and eat breakfast.

They both walk outside. "What are we doing today?" She walks away from him "alright your gonna lift the car up and send it, flying at me as hard as you can."

"Okay," he lifts up the car and sends it flying towards her she uses her powers to move it to the side, and she redirects it back at him. "What the fuc-" He dodges the car crashes on the ground "oh you wanna play that game, alright bet." He starts lifting up rocks chairs fences and gets ready to send it at her. "HELLSTORM" the tornado engulfs her. She uses her powers and sends all the debrie flying out the tornado at him. He quickly put up a wall the objects crash into it, not harming him. "Did you really think you could get me that easily?" He asked

"I wasn't even trying too but I will now." Her hands rise up in the air."HELLSTORM" she sends all the surrounding stuff at him, including a car, most of the fence, big slender blocks. The tornado races at him with incredible speed. But he flies out the way of it he then sends all the debrie back at her. She then sends it all flying to the side of her. "You just used the same move I used." He smiles. "Yeah, I did, and what are you gonna do about it?"

She lifted up all the surrounding cars and sent one by one at him. He jumped in the air and landed on one he ran up it and landed on the other. "Is that all you got?" A vein buldged on her head."NO, IT'S NOT." She slammed both hands on the ground, two big slabs of concrete together attempting to crush him. But he summoned a barrier at the last second, saving himself. "I admit you got skill, but it's no use because I know all your attacks." Her eye twitches

"Show me what you got then." She motions him to bring it. "HELLSTORM" It heads towards her, and she stops it from moving. "I seen that coming."

He smiles, "But you didn't see this coming tho" he uses his powers to make dust fly up in the air, so she can't see anything.

It catches her off guard he then sends a rock flying in, making it graze her left cheek. Just to prove a point, "You gotta step your guard up, babe,"

She dashes forward with her box cutter ready to hit him he made a dust cloud again, blinding her, and he then got out the way of her attack and punched her in to face. She falls to the ground, bleeding from her nose.

He notices her on the ground, bleeding from her nose. "Oh my god, I'm sorry," he gets on his knees in front of her. "Hehe," she took this as an advantage she slammed him into the ground face first. "First rule never let your gaurd down." She said as she got up and healed herself.

He got up off the ground, and he sent her flying back with his powers. "Try to lift me up with your powers." He said as he used his power to hold himself down. She starts using her powers he doesn't move she uses half of her psychic power, and he floats up off the ground. "You've gotten stronger. I'm using half of my power."

"That means I'm catching up to you." He smiles. "Now it's your turn to do me." he uses everything he had to lift her. Blood starts to flow down his face. "Give it everything you got. Don't hold back." She starts to feel his power go up a little more. "Okay, you can stop now."

He lowers her back to the ground. "Take a break for a minute, and we will resume training."

A few minutes later, they both resume training, and he gives it his all.

Timeskip Caleb calasped due to overusing his powers. "CALEB!" She runs over to him. "Wake up." She sakes him he slowly opens his eyes to see a worried Fubuki. "w-what happened?" He asked. "You passed out." He starts trying to sit up. "Caleb, don't move. You're already tired enough." She gently picks him up and carries him bridal style back to the headquarters. She walks in, carrying him.

Lily runs over. "Oh my god, what happened?" She asked "he over used his power, and it weakened his body." Fubuki said. "Oh my god, is he going to be okay?" Lily asked "yeah he's going to be fine he just needs to rest." She carries him upstairs and into the room, shutting the door with her powers. "Once when you get enough energy to stand, I'll help you get a shower."

"Y-You don't have too I don't wanna bother you." She lays him down on the bed. "Listen, you won't bother me stand besides I want to help you." She smiles at him. A few minutes later, "I think I can stand now." he sits up slowly and slowly gets to his feet.

"Here, let me help you undress." She floats him up in the air and floats his clothes off. She pulls her clothes off she walks him over and into the bathroom. She helps him into the shower "relax I'll wash you." She grabs the bar of soap and washes his back and his chest. "Can you wash the rest of your body?"

"I can try." he grabs the bar of soap and washes his private parts. He hands the bar of soap to her. She washes her body. They both rinse themselves and get out of the shower. "Here, let me help you get dressed." She helps him get his newly washed clothes on. She puts her clothes on and helps him to the bed. "Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, babe," she smiles at him. "I'm very lucky to have a loving and caring girlfriend like you." He grabs her hand and gently squeezes it. "Awe, thanks, Caleb, that means a lot to me."

30 minutes later

"My energy is back. I think we can go downstairs now." He gets up okay, let's go." She said they both walk downstairs.

Eyelashes, Mountain Ape, and Lily are standing with their arms crossed, looking mad. "Do you both not care that you destroyed our cars and fence?" Eyelashes asked.

The duo both stop at the end of the stairs. "Don't worry about them. We can buy some more." Fubuki said, "How can we when we don't have the money?" Mountain Ape said,"I just said don't worry about it." Fubuki said

"B-But" Mountain ape stuttered "SHE SAID DONT FUCKING WORRY ABOUT IT!" Caleb yelled clenching his fists. "Okay, okay, we won't worry about it." Eyelashes said.

"Good, you better. Now, are we gonna watch a movie or not?" Caleb asked. "Yes" Lily said they all go sit down on the couch and start watching TV.

Time skip after the movie

"You ready to go to bed, babe?" She asked "yeah im ready." The duo say goodnight to them and go upstairs into their room. They both get into the bed, and she flicks the lights out with her powers. "Goodnight babe," she said "goodnight baby" They kiss each other goodnight and go to sleep.

End of chapter 5

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