Chapter 11

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"Hey man, I lost count but I got to the limit!" Felix smiles blinking amused.

"How the fuck did we drink?"

"I have no idea!" I burst out laughing as if he had told a hilarious joke...

"Let's sit here!" Alex suddenly throws himself on the ground, among the other people who are walking.

I can't breathe as much as I'm laughing and imitating his "I'm not leaving you alone, man!"
I try to look straight and lean on him amidst laughter.

"I would like to shoot a video but I can't turn it on !!!" Laughs Morgz

"What do you have to turn it on?!?" Felix asks widening his eyes

We are all four visibly high and we can't stop laughing!
I feel all the abs pulling at how much we are laughing!
Alex lies down on the ground with us, between the ground and the grass...
It's not really comfortable but always better than going up and down while maintaining the little stability we have left!

"Guys, will it be time to go?" Mia asks, amused

We all drank a bit and I can't even figure out how many we are now, as her friends from L.A. have joined us too.

"You two are cool!" A red-haired girl laughs, pointing at me and Alex and we exchange a smug glance ...

"Hey, I'm there too !!!" Felix complains trying to stand up, without success ... "Ok, I'll stay here ..." He bursts out laughing and we with him ...

I have no idea where Jo is and I don't even care at this point!
I'm having fun with my friends and that's what I wanted!

"How long have we not slept?!?" Morgz exclaims at one point sitting on the floor with us "I feel like I've been awake for years!"

Actually with jet lag, it is now difficult to say how awake we have been ...
We will probably all collapse soon!

I just hope to make it to the resort sooner!

"I'll call an Uber ..." Mia smiles "Luckily I drank less than you! You're crazy!"

We continue to laugh on the floor between the funny looks of the people...

I pull up the hood of my sweatshirt and put on my sunglasses, even though it's pitch dark ...
"So nobody recognizes me!" I burst out laughing looking around ...

"Good idea!" Felix takes my hat and puts it on his head "You never know!"

"Who exactly has to recognize you, Felix?" Alex giggles with laughter as he rolls on the ground ...

"I'm famous, you know !!!" He closes his eyes pleased "What do you want to know ..."

"Guys let's go ..." Jo appears out of nowhere and holds out her hand to Alex who looks at her as if she had just seen a ghost.

"And where were you?!?" He asks in anticipation of my question...

"I've always been here..." She shows him a glass with fruit on the edges "Only that I drank less than you, apparently ..." She smiles at him

How beautiful she is!
I Sigh...she's breathtakingly beautiful and I ruined it all!
I don't know how, but I did it ...
Next to her is Oliver and surprised by some surprises ...

"No! I don't believe it! Hero?!?"

Were you missing him?
Not me, I assure you ...
And now less than ever am I able to have a decent conversation with someone ...

Without taking away the fact that I don't know what I could say right now! Definitely something that I would regret tomorrow morning!

"Well, before my friend can kill someone..." Alex looks at me and accepts Jo's hand which helps him get up
"I would say we can go towards the exit ... What do you think?" He smiles looking at me.

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