{1} The First Day...

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Skye's POV

I sat up slowly on the cushy mattress in my room. I tossed my feet off the side of the bed, a yawn escaping my lips. I looked at the time on the digital clock. 6:00. School would begin in a little over a hour and a half. I stood up slowly, heading out my door to wake up Raven. She never woke up on time.

I walked through the living room of the apartment we were renting. I knocked on her door and waited a minute for an reply. When the reply didn't come, I twisted the cold doorknob gently. I peeked in to see half of Raven hanging off the bed. Her hair was frizzly, and she snored softly.

"Raven." I sighed walking over and pulling the covers off.

"I don't wanna wake up!" She cried hanging on to the last corner of the blanket's for dear life

"You have to." I replied simply. I tugged on the cover's, and her grip loosened.

"Go to hell." She whispered when I finally pulled off the covers. She wasn't a morning person. I giggled slowly and sat on her bed.

"What do you think it's like?" I asked her referring to the school. We were joining in the middle of the school year, to my distress. I didn't want to stick out any more than I had too.

"It's probably like..School." She said calmly. Unlike me, She didn't mind sticking out.

"What about the dress?" I asked about the horrid dress we had been told to wear. It was yellow and frilly. Not my style. Raven snorted and looked at me.

"I'm not wearing it." She said folding her arms across her chest and giving a small pout.

"Raven! We've gone over this." I say not in the mood for her stubbornness.

"I said no!"

"We have to."

"No! No way in hell!"

"Raven please? For me?" I asked giving my best puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh. No-" She said looking towards me. "Fine. We'll talk to the principle though." She answered ending our argument.

"Thank's Rave!" I said giving her a tight hug and running to my room to get ready.

1 Hour later.

"Skye...Why do we have to walk to school?" Raven asked as we walked out the door.

"Because it's only a couple minutes away." I said pointing towards the school which you could see off in the distance. We started toward's the school in the Yellow dresses, our white hair brushed down straight. Our hair was a bright white, But it had a tiny blue tint to it.

"I still don't see why we couldn't get a car." She said and I gave a small giggle.

"Don't be lazy." I joked quietly. She punched me softly and I gave a bright smile in return.

As we walked people stared at us. I hid slightly behind Raven, hoping she would draw attention away from me. The school was getting closer by the second. People in yellow dresses and Blue and white suits began to show up everywhere. We entered the gold gates a minute later, and quickly went to the office, which took a good 10 minutes to find.

"Welcome Girls, I'm principle Suoh, I suppose you're Raven and Skye?" A man in a brown suit with dirty blonde, Perhaps brown hair asked right when we stepped in.

"Yes sir that would be us!" Raven said smiling as we sat in the seats.

"I gave you both the same schedule since you've just moved here. I hope you find everything to your liking." Principle Suoh said smiling and handing us the schedule.

"Um, One question please? Do we have to wear these stupid dresses?" Raven said with a smile pointing at the dress. My face reddened with embarrassment. Sometimes I wished she would care what others thought. I saw Mr.Suoh's smile fade as he looked at the dresses. 

"Um..Skye, I'm sorry for this, but yes, you do." He said looking at Raven. I mentally face-palmed and Raven started laughing.

"It's Raven!" She said after laughing. I looked at Mr.Suoh then Raven. She had a grin on her face, despite the answer she was given.

"Well, Don't want to be late on your first day, Do you?" He said, his smile returning.

"No, Sorry. Thank you." I said quietly. He gave a small smile. As we exited the room, Raven told me our schedule. 

"Class 1-A." She eventually said. She slid the paper into her bag. We were a few minutes late, But that was planned by Mr.Suoh, so we could introduce ourselves after everyone was in the class. We stood in front of the Class room 1-A. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, and knocked on the door along with Raven. I hear a woman's voice and then the door opened. A lady, Our teacher, Stood with a smile plastered on her face.

"Ah, Skye and Raven? Nice to meet you!" She exclaimed.

"Same to you." Raven said and I gave a nod, feeling butterfly's in my stomach.

"Come on in. Class welcome our new students!" Our teacher said as we entered the classroom. I followed Raven, as she confidently walked into the class.

"Hello, Nice to meet you! I'm Raven~"

"~and I'm Skye" I said shakily.

"I hope we can have a great year!" Raven said and we went to the seat's the teacher pointed out. I noticed another pair of twins, They kinda looked surprised. They had pink hair, and Yellow-Orange eyes. I sat beside Raven and a girl. She was wearing a guy's uniform though. I looked at Raven who was still smiling about our entrance. I took a sheet of paper and wrote-

-Is the guy sitting beside me a girl? She's wearing a guys uniform.-

She read over it and glanced at the girl, or maybe guy, Sitting beside me.

"Excuse me." Raven said leaning over me. It was now the end of class and everyone was packing up and tallking.

"Huh?" The person replied.

"Why are you wearing a Guy's uniform?" Raven asked straight forward. The girl looked surprised for a second then looked around to see if anyone else was listening. No one was.

"How'd you know?" She asked.

"Skye." Raven said looking at me.

"Um.." I started. I was just generally observant. I didn't know what to say. Then the twins from before came over.

"So are you ditching us~"

"For some other twins~?" The two asked the girl in the guys uniform.

"Do you guys wanna come to the Host club? I'll explain there." The girl said.

"Sure."Raven said and I nodded. We stood up and grabbed our bags. We walked into the hallway and they all introduced themselves.

"I'm Hikaru." One said.

"And I'm Kaoru" Said the other. Kaoru had a higher pitched voice, and Hikaru's voice was slightly lower.

"I'm Haruhi." The girl said.

"Why do you wear a guys uniform?" I asked quietly. The twins stared at me for a second, then there jaws dropped.

"How'd you know?" They both asked frantically.

"I just..Did." I replied softly. We had been walking the hall for a couple minutes now, and were approaching a music room. Music room 3. Raven opened the door cautiously, since the twins were still trying to figure out how I knew.

"~Welcome~" Several voices chorused. Petals flew everywhere, and I jumped behind Raven out of instinct. Inside the room stood several guys. One had blonde hair and sat in a chair. The rest stood around him. The twins and Haruhi came up beside us.

"What the hell?!?!" Raven shouted.

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