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Y/n waited for her friend Aiko at their usual go to cafe, listening to music on her headphones adorned with small Dazai stickers.

Her friend was half Korean and half Japanese. They had been friends since last year when Y/n first started Karasuno high.

It all started when Aiko was being bullied about not being Japanese enough and the history behind Japan and Korea hadn't helped at all. When Y/n came in to defend her, she also started getting bullied about being y/r. It was almost funny if it wasn't a serious issue.
Then on they had gotten very close.

Y/n sighed, then heard a ping on her phone.
"Gosh darn you Aiko. This is the second time this week."

Her friend had been ditching her ever since she started hanging out with a guy she met in her art club.

It was cute and everything but it annoyed her that she couldn't just text her about it before hand.
She carried her computer and notebooks over for nothing.

She decided she could play Genshin Impact for as long as she wanted without being bullied about it.

So, Y/n quickly clicked on the Asia server. After it loaded—which took ten thousand years—she went to the adventurers guild to dispatch her characters from expedition.

It was the only game Y/n ever got into. She didn't exactly enjoy any of the video games she played. Even when she was downloading it, she was sure she'd dislike it. But quite miraculously she really liked it and became invested.

After two hours of playing, she heard shuffling behind her booth, so turned to check on the noise.

There was a blond boy who seemed to be reaching over to touch her shoulder but froze in his place like a deer caught in headlights when she noticed him.
She furrowed her brows in confusion.
He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
Looking down at his hand was his phone and realization dawned upon her. She gave him a small smile.

"You want to play together?"

The boy blinked and gave her a slight nod.

Y/n let out a small chuckle.

"what's your UID?" He asked surprising her and himself.

"8-5-3-7-6-9-2-4-6" she said as he wrote it down nodding. She studied his features smiling at his pretty cat-like eyes. She'd normally be a bit intimidated by them, but seeing how shy he was eased her anxiety.
He looked up at her, also inspecting her face, which made her fluster.

"I'm Kozume." He paused, glancing to the side, "Kenma."

"I'm L/n Y/n, nice to meet you," she offered her hand turning her whole body towards him to do so. He stared at it for a second before shaking it. "Would you like to take a seat? My friend ditched me." Y/n looked back at her screen.

Kenma silently sat across from her booth in the quiet cafe joining her world in the meantime. "Level 37? When did you start?"

She thought for a second, putting on her headphones, "about three months ago."

He hummed in response following her to defeat a boss.

He was a level 26 since he started only two weeks ago and hardly played. Which she only gaped at. After watching Y/n defeat the boss mostly by herself, she offered to join his world and help him out instead.

The two teenagers played for thirty minutes before deciding to eat something.

Apparently Kenma went to Nekoma which was located in Tokyo. He came to Miyagi Prefecture because of a volleyball match against Karasuno. She had heard from one of her friends, Hinata—who was a first year—they had lost to Nekoma that day.
Y/n said she'd try her best to come watch Kenma play sometime.

"Though I don't know if their coach would let me come," she rubbed her neck nervously.

Kenma nodded. It seemed he was a quiet person in general.

"Well, anyways I'm going to be moving away so it might not matter." Y/n frowned at her half eaten cheesecake, picking at it, her head resting in her hand.

Kenma looked up at her tilting his head to the side with a curious look, "where?"

She groaned and covered her face with her palms.

"I don't know. My mother got this job offer but they're telling her there are multiple places where she's needed and they can't seem to decide where the most so we're kind of waiting for—" she realized she talked too much she fell silent.

"What's wrong?" He asked her taking a bite of his apple pie.

"It doesn't even concern you, I'm sorry."

Kenma let out a sigh, barely audible. "Its fine."

She blinked at him.

Suddenly a phone started ringing and Kenma pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Mm? Oh. I'm coming.." he hung up, turned to Y/n and gave her a lazy look, "I have to go.."

"Oh cool, I needed to head back anyways,"

She did not.

Y/n also got up grabbing her bag as they walked up to the cash register.
"We'd like to pay mr. Kamisato," she beamed at an old man who looked up at them.

"Ah L/n, Your total is 900 yen."

The two offered cash at the same time bumping hands. She grinned at Kenma,
"I'll pay."

He shook his head usual bored look adorning his face, "it's fine I'll pay."

This time Y/n frowned and pushed his money away. "I want to pay."

Kenma looked at her, contemplating something, then put his cash away, still staring at her in thought.

"Ah Y/n, always wanting to pay on all of your dates." The man shook his head adding the cash into the register.

All of her dates? She never even talks to anyone. What was this man talking about.

Her eyes widened and she turned to Kenma who had a flustered look on his face.

"Mr. Kamisato. This isn't a date." She hurriedly spoke not wanting him to think anything of the sort.

"Don't you always say that," he gave her a teasing look and shooed them out.


Kenma and Y/n stood at the entrance for a few seconds.

"I don't go on da—" "i get it." He almost seemed to be amused by her concern for the matter. "Here, lets exchange numbers," he offered her his phone.
She took it and gave him hers in return.

"So we'll play again?" She asked hopefully,

He gave her a single nod walking away staring down at his phone.

What a cute guy. Y/n thought to herself before walking back home in the other direction.


Be painfully straightforward with my work. I can take it.
Also, the first four-five chapters are awful.

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