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Y/n woke up to ten new notifications from Kumiko.

She'd gotten up, still half asleep, and unlocked her phone being met with nine photos of Kuroo and herself and a message that read 'Nothing's going on my ass' which she chuckled at, thanking her for the photos of last night.

A certain one caught her eye right before she was about to shut her phone.
Kuroo- wearing his stylish navy tuxedo- looking at her with what seemed like...

No. She looked bad. The dress was stunning but that didn't change the way she looked.

I'm fat. I'm fat and ugly. I'm not smart at the slightest. I don't even have a talent.
This photo is just us having fun. No one could ever lov-no- like me even.

Even if she had convinced herself that the boy wasn't looking at her with adoration, she posted that image, and a few others that were carefully selected, tagging Kumiko with the caption 'photo creds to this beauty.'

Y/n got out of bed, unwillingly getting ready for school and eating cinnamon sugar cereal for breakfast (which was her personal favourite.)

She saw Kuroo smiling down at his phone at the lobby when she stepped out of the elevator. He looked genuinely happy and it made her smile knowing he was.

"Hey there captain, what'chu smilin' about?" She flashed him a lazy smile holding onto the straps of her backpack.

"Hey there koinu'" He smiled back as they walked out of the building together, "Nothing much. Did my sister send you those photos? I saw your post this morning, can't stop looking at my handsome face huh?" The boy nudged her teasingly.

She laughed, "Please. You're the one that can't s-" Y/n realized what she was going to say and frowned, turning to the cars on the road, taking notice of the hot breeze that sent a cold shiver down her spine. She cold sweated.

Kuroo couldn't help but frown as well after seeing her expression falter, "are you okay? You know I wasn't meaning to offend or hurt you-" she shook her head and let out an airy breath, "No I know Kuroo. I just...realized something."

He didn't answer her. He really had a hard time deciphering his friend. What in the world went on inside her head? One minute she's laughing and joking around, and the next she'd be as quiet as a mouse. Almost as if she'd never been, he'd best describe as a black hole. Something that nobody really understands and it's just...there. She'd be doing normal human things in such a robotic and monotone way that he thought he was imagining the whole scene.
Then when she called him by his last name, he couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest.

"I'm sorry for acting so..." She furrowed her brows in despair pulling her headphones on, "depressed-looking? I don't know. I had a very. Very. Amazing time last night and-" she whimpered shaking her head making her hair sway as she did. Y/n had always been awful at expressing her feelings. Verbally, nonverbally and physically. So what she liked to do was listen to music and let it be her punishment for not being able to do so. Which was exactly what she was going to do at that moment.

The boy looked back at her breaking himself from his own thoughts, "It's okay to not be okay L/n. It's just a little confusing because you're saying you had fun, but you're sad?" he raised a brow, "I don't understand."

"Why did you just call me by my last name?" She asked turning to look at with worry in her eyes, he blinked, "W-well- You? you called me by mine so I thought-I don't know why did you call me by mine?" He stuttered redirecting the question to her.

"When did I do that?" she deadpanned,

"Just a moment ago."

"Oh." Y/n started nibbling on her inner lips from a spontaneous wave of anxiety, "I guess it slipped."

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