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Y/n was sitting at the roof with Aiko eating her lunch as they played some Korean rnb in the background. She hadn't told her friend about the new friend she had made at their study cafe. Because she didn't see how he would come up again.

It had been a week since then, and neither of them texted each other.
Y/n felt like he might not have wanted to, so she just left it at that. Though deep down she really yearned to text him.

"What's up? The moving thing still bugging you?" Aiko looked at her friend worry crossing her face.
Y/n laid on the cool concrete, "of course it is. I'm going to be far away from you. In a whole new school. Whole new city. All alone. I just started getting to know the volleyball team.."

Just recently, she finally agreed to meet the team after months of Aiko's begging. Dumbfounded to say, they were all pretty nice. Except Tsukishima. Who seemed to be extremely salty and bitter to Kageyama and Hinata—and everyone for that matter.

She was glad she finally got the courage and push (more like shove) from her friend to meet them.
She only wished she could have spent a little more time here.

Her friend scooted next to her and patted her head.

"It doesn't matter where you go. I'll come visit you. You're the only person in this school I'd actually call my real friend. Yeah there are some people that are fun to hang out with sometimes but—you understand me. Plus you're really funny and kind, and I know that you don't feel this way, I've seen the way you treat yourself Y/n. I want you to know that I love you." Aiko breathed in clearly frustrated. "I'll always be there when you need to talk."

Y/n blushed, hiding her face with her hands. Her heart melted at her friend's words. Nobody had ever said anything like that in her entire life. She didn't think Aiko knew what this meant to her. She sat up and embraced her friend.

"Aiko" she whined into her friends fruity smelling hair. "i love you too," she said breathing in.

"N/n." she started softly rubbing her back, "Please be good to yourself."

She nodded, "you be good to yourself too."

Three first year students burst through the door laughing at some joke they cracked probably coming to eat their lunch out on the roof. When they turned and saw the two girls, reading the atmosphere, they quietly bowed and left.

"Remember the volleyball match that happened last week?" Aiko spoke trying to change the subject and lighten the mood.

"Mhm?" Y/n confirmed biting into her sandwich.

"Turns out Ren's cousins with one of the teams' captains. Kuroo Tetsuru? Something like that." She said chewing on a carrot stick.

Y/n raised her brows, "really? Ren as in your boyfriend?" She asked, picking out the white cheese from her food and putting it on her friend's wrapper.

"Well he's not my boyfriend but yes," she rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

"I met their setter at the cafe last week. Kozume Kenma. We played Genshin Impact together."

Aiko's mouth fell open, "you interacted with someone without my help? I'm so proud of you!" She patted her arm in approval. "Was he nice? Aren't you glad I forgot to text you?"

Y/n rolled her eyes, "He was cool. Not very talkative, kind of anti social, was on his phone most of the time—"

"So the male version of you?" the girl deadpanned, earning a huff.

"I'm more talkative than he is! And I'm not always on the phone. I was the one to start the conversation and everything. You would've been proud." She crossed her legs taking a sip of her water.

"I am." Aiko smiled at her friend, happy that she finally made a new friend by herself.

"So did you get his number? Though I suppose it would be hard to arrange a meetup since Tokyo's hours away...Then again you are moving so who's to say.." she trailed off,

"We exchanged numbers agreeing to play again. Though we haven't contacted each other since."

"You should! Didn't you always want to have someone to play it with?"

Y/n nodded, looking down at her skirt, "I don't really want to be pushy."

Aiko smacked her head, grabbing Y/n's phone. "That's ridiculous! It never hurts to be a little pushy. That's how I met Ren." She grinned, unlocking her phone.

"Aiko! Please don't say anything stupid! I don't want him to think I'm desperate."

"Of course not. But we're definitely texting him." Y/n crawled behind her friend looking at what she was typing.

Hi Kozume, do you want to play genshin at some point today?

Both girls were surprised when they saw him typing immediately.

hi. Srry i have practice today, but I'm available tomorrow after school?

Y/n took the phone from Aiko's hand and answered him.



Aiko smirked at her friend, giving her a knowing look. "You sneaky guilt tripper."

Y/n furrowed her brows and shut her phone. "What are you talking about?"

She stared at her dumbfoundedly, "oh, period, sure, period? If someone said that to me I'd cry for the rest of the day."

Y/n was going to say something but heard a ping on her phone,


"He's not crying." She showed her.

After the girls finished their lunches, they left for class. When school was over Y/n walked home listening to her double suicide with Dazai playlist, tossing her stuff on the floor of her room when she arrived, plopping on the bed in exhaustion.
Then remembering to change out of her uniform and to wash her hands she got up and left to the bathroom.

"I'm home!" She heard her mother walk in through the door, her heels clicking on the wood floor.

"Hi mom!" Y/n called out putting on some fluffy socks.

"I have interesting news."


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