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It was the last day of the training camp.

Apparently there was going to be a barbecue! Y/n was a little annoyed that Karasuno didn't tell her yesterday, but she is on the opposite team so she supposed it was fair.

"L/n! Get the damned tomatoes right now or else—" she groaned at one of Fukurōdani's managers she forgot the name of. She was pretty bad with names. Especially if she was being bossed around by them, "Okay, okay. Chill, ponytail. It's not the end of the world."

"I doubt you'd care even if it was the end of the world." She rolled her eyes, poking meat on kebab sticks.

Y/n clicked her tongue even though she was probably right.

It was so. Hot. And moist, and humid. Plus they were exposed to the brutal rays of the summer sun. It was complete and utter torture.

She was never, agreeing to be manager for a summer camp, ever, again.

That Kuroo better be my manager for the girls' summer camp. Twat.

"Hey there koinu." The boy appeared popping through the door which leads to a cool atmosphere. Shade. A/c. Ice packs. Cold, juicy watermelon.

"Don't hey me." She scowled, forcefully grabbing the tomato crate and walking back to the barbeque stand, "I hate being manager. I wanna play volleyball and have fun too! This sucks. To know I gave up my own practice for this..."

"I'll play with you." He pet her head with a caring smile,

Y/n let out a defeated sigh, sticking the tiny tomatoes onto the stick, "It's not the same though."

"Why. The hell. Not?" He scrunched up his nose, helping her out with the kebabs.

"Because you're physically stronger than I am, Tsurō." She deadpanned.

"Okay? There are always these inequalities in court between men too."

"Dude, this is a whole other kind of Inequality."

"Imagine how good you'll get by practicing with me."

It may have sounded like he was trying to boast his power and strength, but he sincerely wanted her to improve. She knew he was right. "Also, never call me dude again, missy."

"Yes sir!" She saluted, which caused her to drop her stick.


"So I was wondering, what were you doing at the pool last night?" She asked, ignoring her friend's warning.

He shrugged and paused for a minute. "I was looking for you. Aiko told me where I could find you."

"Why?" She raised a brow, popping a tomato in her mouth,

"I wanted to know what was bothering you." Y/n spaced out on Kuroo feeling the same feeling she got the day before.

What was he doing?

Why did he want to know—how did he know?

She nodded.

The food was prepared and cooked, a whole herd of males rushing to the meat and piling it up on the limited space their plates had to offer.

Kuroo went over to hang out with Bokuto and Karasuno, leaving the girl to go ahead and sit with Suna Rintarō.

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