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It was a Friday. The best day of the weekdays. Unfortunately, Kuroo was forcing her to go to the gym with him after school. Why did she even agree to this anyways?

Argh I was feeling cheery and motivated that day...

She stomped around the house in her black running shorts looking for her red tank top grumbling about wishing she hadn't agreed to this. Finally finding it, she grabbed her water bottle and headed down to the gym. Kuroo was already there, lifting weights.

For some crazy reason Y/n started burning up.

Man is it hot today? These shorts are kinda synthetic so its probably making me sweat.

"L/n! I was sure you'd ditch me." Kuroo hooked the weight back on and walked over to her, wiping his sweat on a towel. Something in Y/n snapped and she backed away from him getting a sense of déjà vu.

Kuroo stopped in his tracks in confusion and worry, "L/n...are you okay?"

She gasped and nodded, "Oh uh yeah...Sorry I don't know why I did that. Déjà vu I guess." She laughed trying to shake the gross feeling she was developing off of herself.

He furrowed his brows, "déjà-oh my goodness did that fucking bastard do something to you before we bumped into each other?" he clenched his jaw, looking at the entrance as though daring the pedophile to come back.

"Not really. He just took my phone from me, I punched him before he could touch me." She looked away, "I suppose I was more affected then I thought was."

Kuroo looked back at her caringly, "We don't have to workout today if you don't want to."

"Mmm no. Come on what am I supposed to do?" She grabbed his hand and dragged him back to his little station.

He blushed at the sudden contact of their hands, "O-uhm I guess, well where do you want to work on?"

"My whole body." She said confidently then looked around noticing something missing, "where's Kenma?"

"He said he needed to change but I'm pretty sure he ditched." He rolled his eyes at his lazy friend.

"Darn. That was an option?" She scrunched up her nose half jokingly,

"hEy." He pouted and smacked her with his towel,

"Ew is that your sweaty towel," she jumped away from him trying to wipe herself off with her hands.

"If you could manage not to sweat after the first set I'll..." He smirked at her confidently, "make you dinner."

"Oh? Game on Kuroo. I was wondering what to eat tonight anyways."

"But! If you do, then you make dinner for me."


They shook hands and proceeded to do the first set of the workout together. Unfortunately they didn't think it through properly since it ended up being a tie. Neither of them had sweated at all. Y/n surprised herself by managing to keep up with the volleyball player. So they decided that they could just make the food together after doing a few more sets.

"Man L/n how didn't you sweat??" Kuroo still couldn't believe it and she started getting offended.

"I guess I'm too good." She mumbled, "Wanna come over to mine? My mother comes home pretty late these days."

What is she even doing there that late at night though? She used to continue her work at home to see me...

"Sure. What're we making?" He slung his towel over his shoulder chugging his water down.

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