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What the hell do i wear.

Y/n rummaged through her wardrobe looking for something presentable.
She didn't really know why she was having such a hard time deciding. When she hung out with Kenma and Kuroo she'd usually just toss on whatever she felt like.
But right now she didn't know what she felt like.

In the end, she settled with something basic and baggy. Not wanting to be judged for her flaws...or scars.

Turns out, Aia lived four minutes away from her apartment so Idil made Aia come pick her up. Y/n was extremely nervous because there was no telling what she would do now that their captain or Mizuchi wasn't around to protect her.

There was a knock at her door and she dashed to open it tripping on her rugs in the process.

She opened it to find the dual haired setter with an annoyed look on her face, staring down at her. She wore a red tank top (without a bra!!!) and black low rises making the girl stare at her body a little longer than she'd anticipated.

"What are you looking at shorty?" She gave a slight grin making her widen her eyes.

But I'm only a few centimeters shorter than you...

"Sorry! You have a really nice body is all..." Y/n looked down at her outfit, suddenly feeling self conscious about her appearance.

"Whatever, you ready?" She started walking away without a reply and she followed right behind her, admiring the back of her messy mullet.

"Y/n?" Kuroo questioned staring at Aia as she walked passed him ignoring his existence in the lobby.

"Hi Tetsurō." She gave him a small wave trying not to lose the other girl who was walking at a ridiculous pace.

"See you later i guess?" He waved back with a slight grin.

The team had been waiting for the two at a japanese restaurant having already ordered their foods.

"Yoshida didn't give you too much of a hard time did she L/n?" Idil smiled at them as they settled in their seats.

"Please call me Y/n, all of you." She said clasping her hands under the table shyly, "no she didn't. It was a peaceful ride."

Aia gave her a confused look, not expecting her to say such a thing, mainly because she looked like she was about to piss her pants any time she'd glanced over at her.

"Good to hear." She rested her arms behind her head and leaned back.
Aia fidgeted in her seat, picking the menu up.

"So Y/n! What do you like?" Chō asked giving her a cute smile as she bit into what looked like a meatball.

"Uhm," she thought, "i like to listen to music...and I've recently started playing video games but my personal favourite is Genshin impact."

"Ooooh." She nodded, "Yoshida here likes video games as well. You guys should totally play together."

She sweated slowly averting her gaze to the girl who seemed to ignore the comment.

"If she'd want to."

You have a death wish L/n Y/n.

"What rank are you." She demanded not looking up from her menu, "on Genshin."

You got lucky huh.

"Thirty two!" She squeaked hiding her face behind her own menu.

The girls laughed at her reaction but knew all too well how she felt.

Aia scoffed, "I'm a fifty four."

They sat there silently for a few seconds trying to figure out how to break it.

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