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School was as boring and confusing as usual.
Y/n had talked to the principal about the bow ties that day and was told that it was simply the dress code she had to follow.
She hated japan for this.

Can't wear what i want, can't dye my hair, can't even have a nice hairdo for Christ's sake.
How did Yamamoto and Kenma get away with it? Aha, good old sexism.

That day, she ate with the girl she met on her first day, Shiro Idil and her friends. She learned that they were all a part of the girl's volleyball team. Honestly how did she keep coming across these crazy coincidences?

She didn't talk much, but they were all very nice to her. They invited her to watch them play whenever she felt like it.

Kenma needed to run some chores for his mother after school so Kuroo and Y/n walked together. Kuroo didn't really like being alone so he was contemplating asking her to come over.

"Kuroo." Y/n spoke in thought staring down from the bridge at the river running underneath them that they crossed almost every day.

The tall boy stoped in his track and turned to her with a lazy look on his face. She looked him in the eyes and clasped her hands together in front of herself.

"Teach me how to play Metal Gear please!" She begged him making him raise his brows in surprise.

"What's the sudden interest L/n?"

"I just want Kenma to like me." She frowned in defeat. Dragging her bag as they started walking again.

He smiled, glad that she cared about whether Kenma liked her or not. "Of course." He answered and petted her head, knowing she liked it when he did that.
"Do you still need help with your studies?" He asked her, still petting her head.

"Gosh that feels so good." She groaned ignoring his question. He pulled away even though he enjoyed seeing her like that.
"Hey!" She frowned up at him.

"Do you?"

"Just chemistry for now..." she scrunched up her nose, knowing he was great at the subject. "I do like chemistry. It's so interesting when you understand it. But lately i just don't feel like concentrating on anything."

Depression really sucked ass.

"You're good at English though?" He furrowed his brows which made him look cute.

She gave him a lazy smile, "it's one of my mother's native languages so i learned it when i was young."

He nodded in understanding. "I actually kind of need help with English," he mumbled shyly making her widen her eyes.

Thank goodness he isn't great at everything.

"I'll help you out with anything you need." She told him eagerly as they entered their apartment.

"Then I'll help you with Chemistry?" He asked,

"And Metal Gear." She demanded, making him grin.

"Of course ma'am."

He'd told her his father was usually away on business trips, his grandparents were at their bakery (which Y/n found adorable), and his older sister, Kumiko was either working in home office or at her work place.

They sat on his couch, trying to decide if they should study or play Metal Gear now that Kenma isn't around.

"So. Kuroo." She rested her hands on her legs awkwardly, "what do you like to do? Other than volleyball."

He scratched the back of his arm equally awkward.
"I actually kind of like to...bake with my grandfather." He blushed looking down as though he was ashamed. "My grandmother bakes too, but she enjoys cooking more."

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