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When Y/n texted her friend about her harassment and encounter with Kuroo she went crazy. In both ways.
Though it was a little early, she also got to add another name into her book.

Today she was starting her first day at Nekoma high. She was wearing her uniform which she really liked, except for the fact that she had to wear a bowtie instead of a necktie. She was going to talk to the principal about that...
Her mother had went to meet the school a week ago without her.
So, here she was, at the gates.
With her mother...

" are aware that I'm almost seventeen right?" She mumbled checking around if anyone saw them.

"Obviously Y/n. I just wanted to make sure you were okay after yesterday's incident..." her mother fumed out.

"Its okay. It won't happen again. Also, this is school grounds. If someone seriously dared to assault me here, they're nuts."

"Oh fine. I love you, have fun." She kissed her cheek and got back in the car.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "fun? In school? You almost sounded serious there."

Her mother shook her head smiling and drove off to work. She put her headphones back on, trying to pick a song to play.

"That was cute." The sound of Kuroo's voice made her flinch and instinctively shut her phone. She turned to see both Kenma and Kuroo standing there side by side. Though Kenma seemed preoccupied by his game.
Her eyes widened.

"How long were you there for?" She asked, cursing the timing of everything.

"My mom's the same. Also, I'm sorry that happened to you." Kenma looked up from his phone for her to see his sincerity for about three second, before turning back to his game.

Thanking him, she stared at him as she wondered if he ever got off of the phone to do something other than the basic human needs.

"He doesn't." Kuroo smirked at her, "except for volleyball. That seems to be the only exception. So far."

"Well, i would do the same if i could, so I'm not here to judge." She admitted as they walked to class. She and Kenma were both in 2-3 though currently she was failing. About everything except Japanese and English. She had no idea how she was even in 3.

"Will you join a club?" Kuroo asked, looking at her from the other side of Kenma.

She frowned and glanced at Kenma, "maybe."

"You could join the girls' volleyball team," He pointed out, making Kuroo grin widely,
"Or even better, you could be our team's manager."

"I suck at sports." She told them, "and no i will not serve men. Especially if its to bring them water and what? Hand you towels? No thanks."

Kuroo pursed his lips nodding not knowing what to say.
They parted ways when Kenma and herself got to their class.

At lunch time, Kenma offered her to sit with him and the volleyball team, but she decided to decline his offer wanting a little solitude.

She made conversation with one of the girls after class, and she had also offered her to eat lunch with her and her friends. Even though it was hard to refuse, she had told her that she wanted to eat alone today.
The girl (who's name she learned was Shiro Idil who was a part of the girl's volleyball team and a third year) understood, and said she was always welcome whenever she wanted to.

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