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The volleyball group and Y/n were sitting on the gym floor eating their lunches and chatting. She had been eating with the girls every other day, wanting to get to know them too. She and Nomura Nariko, the ace, had been getting along very well. Somehow their opposite energies clashed into each other perfectly.
She didn't know how to explain it. Kuroo probably would have brought something with chemistry into it. The others were also pretty fun, Aia seemed to dislike her for some reason though.

Yoshida Aia!

Her eyes widened as she remembered she'd been meaning to return her clothes today. She got up and sprinted out of the door leaving the boys in the dust of surprise.

"She should join the volleyball team." Kai and Yaku laughed.

Y/n burst through the girls' gym doors and stopped to catch her breath. The girls stared at her with odd looks, dropping their conversations.

She looked up and her eyes landed on the girl giving her the coldest look yet. She bowed repeatedly and offered her the clothes she had borrowed a few days ago.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give these back sooner! Thank you."

The girl took it, not uttering a single word and turning back to her cold soba noodles.

Just like your heart and soul.

"H-hey that's not very nice Yoshida..." Mizuchi tensed at her teammate, "I'm sorry about her L/n, would you like to sit with us?"

Idil poked Aia with a wide smile on her face, "Be nice Yoshida! She's our friend and teammate."

The girl nodded at the captain not looking up from her noodles. Idil seemed to be the only person she listened to.

Y/n tugged on her hair, "Uh no thank you, I was already eating with Kuroo and Kenma...Tomorrow?"

"That's cool. We were thinking of going out today. Would you like to come?"

Had they wanted her to hang out with them, or was this Idil being nice?
Maybe she could get closer to them and try to make friends with Aia.
She didn't understand why she disliked her but she was determined to befriend her.
Or at least make her not hate her.

"I'd like that. Would you text me the details?"

They nodded at her and she went back over to the other gym. The boys' heads perked up when they heard the sound of the entrance.

"Where did you run off to missy?" Kuroo asked her with a half full mouth making her cringe.

"I forgot something." She sat back down next to him picking her bento up,

I get to be mysterious too.

"You're friends with the girl's volleyball team, right?" Haiba asked energetically, she gave him a single nod.

"Think you could hook us up L/n?" Yamamoto asked cheekily, nudging her with his shoulder.

"Who do you want to meet?" She asked almost uninterestedly,

Yamamoto, Lev and Inouka started spewing a name out and leaning in towards her making her mildly uncomfortable. Kuroo seemed to notice her discomfort, because he smacked all three of them in the head with his chem book that he pulled out from who knows where.

"Leave her alone and go meet them yourselves you useless wastes of matter!" He roared at them scaring her, more than them.

She smiled lightly appreciating her friend's efforts to defend her.

She stared at him with a straight face, thinking of what he was to her.

She'd never been treated so well by a guy before. Kuroo was good to her in every aspect. He seemed to know what to do in every situation and Y/n couldn't ignore it.
But then again...She started to feel a small attraction to Kenma as well.

She didn't really know why. Maybe it was the way he acted? She seemed to like quiet and shy guys...but the more she observed him she realized he may not be like that when in a romantic relationship.

"Uh..." Kuroo visibly flustered as she snapped out of her thoughts. "Why were you looking at me like that..."

She raised her brows, "I didn't mean to! Sorry, i was spacing out."

"We asked if you'd like to come over to mine to play?" The other boy asked playing on his ds.

"The girls' team invited me to hang out with them today...sorry." She apologized sheepishly.

Kuroo raised a brow at her, "when did you start hanging out with them?"

"L/n, did you join the volleyball team?" Yaku asked biting into a meatball.

"No. Shiro and i had met on my first day here and she introduced me to the team." She shook him off focusing on her food.

"Ahh Y/n you're so robotic." He whined jokingly,

"Yeah! You and Pudding head are so similar." Inouka chimed in,

Kenma isn't robotic.

Shibayama laughed, "the perfect match huh?"

The last comment couldn't stop her from blushing a little. She liked being associated with the quieter gamer.

Kuroo was the only one to notice her shy away. He frowned at his two friends not knowing why it bothered him so much.

Maybe it was because he was being excluded, or maybe he didn't like that Y/n was stealing his friend away.

"Don't be stupid Shibayama." Kenma scowled at the raven haired first year who blushed in embarrassment.

She frowned and pulled her phone out to check if she had any notifications.

The captain started to assume she had taken a liking to his friend which made him happy. Yet there still seemed to be a burning feeling in his heart that he tried so hard to ignore.

"Tsurō~" she nudged his shoulder giving him a reassuring smile, "you good?"

The boys all dropped their chopsticks turning their heads to their captain.


Kuroo chuckled at his team and rolled his eyes, "Oh no, they found us out Koinu~" he squeezed her cheek flirtatiously.


She froze in her place not knowing why he didn't try to deny it. "Ha ha..."

What in the world...

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