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Y/n's friends tried convincing her to come down to the nightly (secret) indoor pool meetups, which she constantly had to decline or make up an excuse about.

Suna and herself hung out in their free time sometimes, either talking about a funny video they saw or venting about their traumas. There was no in between.

She didn't really get close to the managers, they talk at nights and when they're working together but other than that, she chose to hang out with Karasuno and Nekoma.

Y/n and Aiko never really got a chance to go out into town to explore, but a lot was already going on in camp that they were always entertained.

Aiko was still 'hanging' with the Atsumu guy. He was going to be devastated when he got dumped. Though he looked like the type of person that deserved it anyways.

"Tsurō. Let me braid your hair." She smiled, reaching for the boy's messy hair.

The teams were having a picnic for lunch because the weather was 'especially nice' that day as the coaches said, but in reality it was burning, flaming and humid.

You couldn't get away from the sun, and if you could, the places were taken by someone else.

She had just lost to Kenma in one of his many video games and felt quite literally defeated.

"Stop being such a loser." The blond rolled his eyes.

Y/n whined and hugged Kuroo's waist, causing him to freeze with his plate in the air, trying not to drop it.

"Do something, he's being mean to me."

"Kenma~" he smirked, "she can't help being bad at the games you know this~"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kenma said innocently.

She pulled away from the captain and put up a joking-hurt act, not wanting him to know how betrayed she felt. She didn't actually though.

"I'm gonna go find some real friends." She stomped away in a newfound attitude.

She discovered a court where Bokuto and Akaashi were practicing and eating at the same time, that was a true talent. They must have snuck away without any of the adults noticing.

"Y/n! Wanna join?" Bokuto leaped in excitement, pulling her over.

"Oh. Okay, what do I do?"

" 'Kaashi can set for me and you can try to block my attacks!" He grinned, tossing Akaashi the ball.

"So there's a possibility of me getting hurt?" She asked, taking place on the opposite side of the net and pulling her sweats up, "give it your all mr. Bokuto."

The ace grinned at her and leaped in the air as the setter passed the ball gracefully.

Before the girl could even blink, the ball slammed down on the ground and she stood there in shock.

"Okay maybe I was a little overconfident." She didn't want to show how embarrassed she was. It was normal for her to miss it. He had been playing for years, and he was one of the top five aces of japan.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you can do it on the next one!"

Turns out, Bokuto was the one who overestimated her abilities. They had been going at it for a whole hour, and the closest she got to blocking was when she got hit by the ball on the shoulder. And it hurts.

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