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Aia's absence is because I'm trying to change it up, though I haven't done that yet (it's so hard!) So that's why she isn't mentioned.


"Morning—" "Oh my go—! oh hey, it's just you Tsurō."

A low chuckle sounded from the boy beside her, having just woken up.

"Who'd you think it was, Suna or something?" He joked, looking down at the girl,

"'d you know?" She widened her eyes, sitting up.

What the fuck. Did something actually happen with her and that punk?
Now Kuroo was fully awake with murder on his mind.
When did he even start caring about who she was with? He hated Aia before they even started dating, but Suna was especially irritating to him. With his stupid lazy green eyes and his punkass (hot but he'd never admit that) demeanour.

Y/n didn't really have an outstanding beauty in Kuroo's opinion, not when they first met anyways. Her personality, and similarity to Kenma—whom he came to understand as a person who lacks self-esteem—is what he enjoyed about her. He liked comforting her, and with time, came to realise she was genuinely beautiful.

The reason why he (MIGHT. POSSIBLY. HYPOTHETICALLY.) started actually fancying Y/n was when she saw him. Kuroo.

Not 'oh this is a person who is my friend and I like hanging out with him' but, 'Kuroo is a person who also has emotions and needs comforting as much as Kenma or anyone else does.'

Nobody—before Y/n—ever even asked about how he was, or how he was doing emotionally.
Maybe he just liked her because she's paying attention to the touch/attention-starved boy, but he definitely could picture the two dating.

In theory.

"How do you manage to look so good right when you wake up?" She groans, crossing her arms and releasing a long, exasperated huff.

Kuroo shook himself from his thoughts and grinned, "What can I say? I have natural beauty."

"It's unfair to me."

"And why's that, koinu?" He smiled at her through sleepy eyes.

"Because it makes me giddy and uncomfortable to be around your ass."

Kuroo felt his heart miss a pump for a second too long, sending heat throughout his whole body, mainly his face. It took all his will power not to whimper at her words and clutch his heart, keeping his reticence.

"Don't say stuff like that..."

Y/n let out a howl of what was supposed to be laughter, but ended up sounding like a pissed seagull.

"Bruv. You blush at everything. I bet you even blush when Kenma does his cute little 'innocent' face."

By using the phrase 'bruv' on Kuroo, Y/n was expecting him to get the 'HUGE' hint she'd just dropped.

Kuroo only felt the dark and lonely arrow of being 'friend-zoned' shot at his heart, piercing through any ounce of hope of her liking him back.

What a bind for these two teens indeed.

"I do NOT." he snorted, rolling off of the bed and sulking in a corner of the room. "What happened with you and Suna anyways..." He grumbled, a cloud of self-pity hovering over him.

Y/n puffed her cheeks and rolled onto her stomach, "Nothing serious really."

He widened his eyes, turning to face her, "so something really happened?"

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