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Y/n walked over to the living room, and sat on the couch in their small home in wonder.

Has she finally found out where we'll be moving?

Her mother, Reina sat across from her on a small sofa. She was taking her dreadful looking heels off, letting a breath of weariness out.

"We're moving." She sat up looking at her daughter, knowing she hated that they had to.

Y/n slumped back in disappointment. She knew this was coming but couldn't quite get herself to prepare for the moment. "Where?"

"Suginami. I have to go check for houses online right now. We'll most likely leave in about a week or two. So I suggest you slowly start packing."

"Oh, okay.." she quietly mumbled getting up to go back to her room.

"Hey, you know i love you right?" Her mom said grabbing on to her arm, worry filled in her eyes.

Why was everyone worried. Did they know something she didn't? It's not like she was dying.

"Love you too mom." She smiled at her and walked away.

Where even is Suginami? Wasn't it in Tokyo? The lower south side? Kozume. She thought.

He lived in Tokyo. Where was it again? Gosh Y/n it doesn't matter! He doesn't like you! Nobody does. Maybe you should just give up. Give up? Why would i do that?
I don't want to live.
I don't really want to die either. Should i cut? No. I promised Aiko I wouldn't.
But she doesn't like you.
Exactly that's why you should keep your promise so she doesn't hate you.

Why am i like this??

She sat on her bedroom floor, crying to herself like the dramatic girl she is.
Ten minutes after sitting on the ground numbly, she decided to stop being a weak crybaby and get herself together, listening to her  'Goodies' playlist.
There were boxes sitting in their living room already. Waiting to be used. She grabbed a few already made ones and took it back to her room.

Y/n was an organized person who didn't appreciate messes. So in her head, if something of hers wasn't organized, she was better off dead in a coffin buried six feet under.
She didn't have OCD, or if she did, it wasn't anything serious, but she definitely preferred tidiness.

She placed all of her books in the box in the correct order. Not letting a single little space go to waste and amazed to say, it all fit in perfectly, not a single book staying behind.

Albeit, by the time she was finished packing the first box, it was twelve post meridiem and she was already tired to no extent. Deciding to continue tomorrow, she drifted off into a dream of make believe, wishing everything was as easy as the things that took place in dreams.

Y/n woke up to a loud bang coming from the room next door. She shot up and looked around her room. "Mother? You 'kay?" She shouted, her voice cracking in the process.

She heard a few grunts, "yes! Yes, I've only dropped something. Nothing's broken."

Y/n sighed and threw herself back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, thoughts coming and going through her mind. Eventually, the sound of her stomach grumbling was louder than her thoughts, so she decided to make way to the kitchen, even though a single thought ran through her mind, telling her not to eat.

"Shinju wa, hitori de wa dekinai~" she sung in a shy voice, cutting herself some bread to make grilled cheese, trying to ignore her mind's protests. "futari nara, dekiruu. Shinju, shinju—Mom! You frightened me." Y/n halted, her grip on the knife getting tighter.

"What are you singing about?" Reina asked ignoring her daughter's comment. She was covered in dust and other things, though seemingly unbothered.

"Oh nothing, what happened to you? Want some grilled cheese?"

"I found some old stuff, Got a little distracted." She poured herself a cup of coffee leaning on the counter. "I'm good."

"Did you find any houses?" She walked over to the fridge grabbing the freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Yes—well my company found a very lovely apartment that has a shared gym and pool. You'd absolutely love it."

Y/n frowned, "how are we supposed to pay for such a place? We barely get by paying for the bills here."

Her mother bit on the inside of her lip nodding, "the company is going to cover all that, besides, I'm getting a raise remember?"

She studied her mother's demeanor intently, trying to figure something out, "Yoshida tech covers for their employees' homes?"

"You don't have to worry about it Y/n." Reina smiled at her daughter happily.

The raise must be crazy to make her smile like that.

"Okay then. Can I call Aiko over after school to tell her?"
No matter her mother's answer she'd invite her over anyways.

"Of course! I haven't seen her in a while huh?" She walked away sipping on her coffee.

Something is off. Or am I sick? When has she ever been this cheery? The day they bought this house?

After school, Aiko and Y/n walked home to find the whole house in a mess. Her face fell, understanding the situation.
Y/n looked down at her to see her reaction.

"So it's finally happening?" She frowned,


They stared at the clutter of boxes and wrapped objects lying around. It was exciting and scary at the same time. Y/n lived in Miyagi her whole life. The city was going to be an entirely different experience.

Aiko was helping her pack her stuff (though she didn't really have much. Just books, plants, clothes, a few jewelry and a Dazai Plushy.)

"I'm coming to visit you ever other weekend."

"Every other weekend sounds a bit too expensive but yes. I didn't tell Hinata that we're moving yet though."

Her friend tossed her a cinnamon scented candle not knowing where to put it, "he knows. It came up while we were hanging out with the team."

Y/n wrapped the candle and placed it with her random room objects.

"So the whole team knows huh."

"Yeah, I'm sorry you and Daichi won't be able to work out. But hey, maybe you'll meet someone else—"

Her face heated up for a second. "Ha! it not like he would've liked me back if I stayed a little longer anyways. It wasn't a serious thing either." she shrugged, "Plus he's into cute and passionate girls."

"You're cute and passionate Y/n don't be silly."

"No I'm not," she laughed lightly trying to get Aiko to stop trying to convince her otherwise.

"Give yourself more credit N/n. I'm serious. If I find out you've been—mean to yourself while I'm not around, I'm going to be terribly disappointed in you." she whispered, pulling the disappointment card.

Y/n didn't know if she was doing it on purpose or not but either way it brought tension to her shoulders.


They continued to pack and Y/n remembered that Aiko was obsessed with pools, (mainly the smell of chlorine.)

"Hey did you know we have a pool in the place we'll be moving?"

Aiko's eyes widened, "I'm moving in with you guys. Oh my god I bet your apartment has the pool smell." She whined, then looked like she remembered something "Hey, didn't you say you'd play with Kozume today?"

Y/n's eyes widened and she sprinted to grab her phone. There was a text from him asking if she wanted to play now about twenty minutes ago. She smacked her face and ran over to her computer.


Bare with me.

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