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The team woke up around noon due to their lack of sleep the night before. However, the perfectionist setter was nowhere to be found.
After looking for her for about twenty minutes (she hadn't answered her calls either) they figured she left early, so they ate breakfast and made their way to the gym.

Y/n felt weird and uneasy about the night before, now that she was avoiding her. Had she done something wrong? Was she supposed to apologise for something? Did Aia not like her at all? Was she really that disgusting? Because she sure felt so. She couldn't help but feel homesick. She wanted her mother to hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay, even though she knew it wouldn't.

Sometimes the sweet lies of a parent is comforting.

Idil slid the doors open and sure enough, the girl sat inside the gym with her maths book in hand. When she noticed the others come in, she shut the book and got up looking more pissed than ever. But she didn't even glare at Y/n and for some reason, this made her feel worse.

"What's up with her?" She heard Yasu whisper under her breath.

"Well hello to you too Yoshida." The captain rolled her eyes playfully, earning a bow from the girl.

"Alright ladies, we'll do some stretches and go on a quick jog around town, sounds good?" Even though it was a rhetorical question, Chō and Nariko took it upon themselves to give her some type of smartass answer earning a scold from Mizuchi, who couldn't be scary if she tried.
Y/n sat beside Chō and Yasu (who went on ranting about a french series called 'The mirror visitor'.) She was having a little difficulty reaching her toes because of her lack of flexibility. Idil took notice of this and snapped her fingers towards Aia.

"'Ey Yoshida, offer her a hand?"

"I'm a-actually doing fine over h-Oww!" Before she knew it, the Aia was pressing her knee down on her back, pushing her forwards. A sudden pain shot through her muscles as the setter gradually pressed down more and more.
"Stop being such a baby and suck it up." Her voice rang in Y/n's ear allowing her to try to concentrate on her breathing.

"Yoshida!" Mizuchi gasped from across, "You're being so harsh! You could tear her muscles!"

Aia's knee pushing down on her spine was nothing compared to how she felt emotionally. Was the kiss just a spur of the moment? Was she supposed to ignore it? If Aia was pretending it didn't happen, then so would she. It was a jiff of desire.

Aia liked Idil.

Y/n...liked Aia. Turned out.

On the run, the two girls did the best they could to avoid each other. Which wasn't too hard of a task because they were paired up with different people. But it appeared forgetting about a first kiss that one enjoyed wasn't very easy. Throughout the entirety of practice, the only god forsaken thing she could think of properly was Yoshida.

What did the universe have against her? Was she specifically targeted or something? 'Let's all gang up on Y/n because she's weak muahaha'...?

The four hours of volleyball went by agonisingly slowly and when it came to an end she decided to confront Aia, not being able to take it anymore. What was the worst that could possibly happen?

"It was a mistake. It just happened, forget about it, gosh. I don't like you or your dumbass." Okay. Perhaps she'd underestimated the worst. Aia really didn't sugar coat things and sometimes it was really, really hurtful. For instance, right now.

Y/n felt her heart shatter, trying to shove down the desire to start tearing up because that would just make things far worse for herself. Without another word, the setter left her in the middle of the road, hurt, disappointed and confused.

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