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Y/n woke up with a slight stomach ache. In a sluggish movement she got up and started getting ready to walk to school with Kuroo and meet up with Kenma at the bridge. She didn't want to keep Kuroo waiting so she grabbed a two bananas and started eating one while waiting for Kuroo at the entrance.

Well...may as well watch some YouTube while I wait.

As she watched the girl vlog and live her life, it made her want to romanticize and film her own life too.

"What're you watching there?" Kuroo walked over to her with his usual lazy eyes.

"Oh just some YouTuber. She's got a fun life." She said clicking on one of her playlists and shutting her phone.

"You've got a pretty fun life as well. Since I'm around" he grinned at her making her roll her eyes.

"You're right. I have loads of fun being better than you at everything."

"When did you get so cocky ms. L/n?" He nudged her with his shoulder making her shove him back harder. "Whoa do you work out or something?"

She gave him a lazy smile holding onto the straps of her backpack lightly bobbing her head to the tune of her song, "no but I should start doing that."

"I go to our gym three times a week with Kenma (though he sits in a corner and plays on his phone most of the time). If you want, you could join us?" He offered pulling his phone out.

"Oh that would be nice." She shied away, "though...my..stamina..."

Kuroo gave her a side smirk and nudged her again, "what's up L/n? Cat got your tongue?"

Yes. And that cat being you. Pfft what?

"Anyways. I just added you and Kenma to a group chat so we can make plans beforehand."

Y/n felt her stomach start to hurt again and she stopped in her tracks waiting for the pain to go away. Kuroo didn't notice her and kept walking towards the bridge where Kenma was waiting at.

When the two boys finally noticed she had fallen back, they walked back to check on her.

"Hey Y/n are you feeling alright?" Kenma asked leaning over to see her face.

"Do you need something?" Kuroo asked as well crouching down to her level.

She shook her head and stood back up, "sorry no. Just having a minor stomach ache."

"Do you know if you ate something bad?" Kuroo asked her and she gave him a pained grin as they started walking again.

"Yeah actually I have and idea of what it could be."

The boys looked at her questioningly, then Kuroo made and o with his mouth in realization.

"Your batter was totally the reason Kuroo don't even try to deny it." She laughed, clutching her stomach.

"Don't be ridiculous! You probably just ate too much or something..."

Kenma looked at the two, still confused.

"Kuroo and I made cookies yesterday and I ate his remaining batter." She told him,

"It's because of your raspberry cookies." Kuroo said still annoyed that she blamed his batter in particular.

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