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No way was that real. Y/n's main emotion must have been denial, because that's all her mind swirled with for hours without hold as she laid in bed.

But it clearly did happen, given, Yoshida Aia was, in fact, sleeping soundly beside her.

She looked so peaceful as she slept, very serene.

Y/n watched the slow rise and fall of her breath, studying her perfectly sculpted body in adoration...and a little envy.

She got up, wanting to prepare some crêpes.

Hopefully her mother wasn't home, because didn't want to have to end up explaining the current situation.

As she flipped the fifth crêpe, a grumpy looking girl walked in with a towel draped around her neck, water dripping from her hair. She smirked at her, pulling her by the waist and resting her lips on the nape of her neck causing a shiver run down her spine.

"Good morning...Aia." Y/n blushed, pulling away to grab some powdered sugar and lemon for topping.

She bit her lip at the use of her name, "Morning, L/n."

"Why don't you just call me Y/n?"

Aia pursed her lips and shrugged, taking a seat in front of her.

"Do you want Nutella instead? I prefer lemon sugar but if—" ''it's fine, it looks great by the way."

She nodded, trying to hide her evident smile.

"I'm going to have to leave early because I need my uniform and shit. I could pick you up if you want?" She offered, biting off half of the wrap, leaving Y/n with wide eyes.

"I think we should just go separately, Kuroo and Kenma'll probably be waiting for me."

Aia nodded in understanding.

They finished their crêpes, agreeing to see each other at practice. Aia had landed her a quick kiss right before she left, having Y/n think about it for the rest of the day.

Kuroo was already waiting at the lobby when she got down, a look of worry on his face as he stared at the clock on the wall, watching the seconds tick by.

"Did you wait for—" he pulled her head into his chest letting out a relieved sigh, "I thought you were kidnapped or something koinu! It would've been all my fault and I'm sorry I acted like a dick yesterday I wasn't feeling too good but I'm not saying that justifies—"

She chuckled at his dramatics.

"Nah, A—Yoshida walked home with me."

He furrowed his brows, "What was she doing out at night?"

"Coming to find me." She grinned dreamily, feeling honoured to admit someone would come looking for her in the dead of night.

"I thought..."

"We made up." She nodded cheerily skipping down the road, "don't tell anyone this, but—" she covered her mouth and leaned in to him, "we're going out today!"

Kuroo raised his brows and swallowed a lump that formed its way to his throat, "oh. That's great." He cleared his throat.

It was great. That she found someone...she seemed very happy as well. He was glad to see her happy.

Because of someone else...

They barely saw each other for the rest of the day. Y/n wanted to eat lunch with her team since she hadn't seen them for a whole week; wanting to catch up and ask about her position.

Idil agreed to her request on being benched for Libero. Especially at practice, when she showed her development in receives and dolphin dives she'd mastered with Hinata.

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