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Mondays sucked shit.

So to make up for the existence of that awful day, Kuroo and Y/n went over to Kenma's house to have fun.

They'd bring over some snacks, play video games, maybe dnd, possibly go outside to touch some grass.
Which was a slim chance.

Kuroo was already at Kenma's since they walked home together. Y/n decided to stop by her house to grab the remaining raspberry cheesecake and take a quick shower since she went to practice that morning.

Kuroo and Kenma still didn't know.

She'd tell them. Eventually.
It was only her second time going to practice. She was still very bad at everything.
She wanted to at least get a little better before allowing them to find out.

Practice was three times a week. Monday, Thursday and Friday. Idil had suggested she meets up with one of the teammates on Saturdays or Sundays as well. Depending on everyone's' schedules.

"Kuroo! Open up!" She knocked on the Kozume's red door. Silently waiting on the porch, inspecting the pretty flowers they had.

"Hey hey hey, I thought we were on first name basis." Kuroo swung the the door open pouting at her with sleepy eyes holding onto the door frame.

What's he even trying to do?

She raised her brows, "oh right. I forgot about that." She walked inside, putting her sneakers on the shoe rack.
No she had not forgotten. She just felt a little uncomfortable with it. They had met less then two weeks ago after all.

"Forgot?!" He pulled her under his arm and ruffled her hair aggressively making her yelp out in surprise. "Tetsurō! What are you doing!" She tried prying his arm away, failing miserably.

"That's more like it, Y/n."
He grabbed the bag in her hand, lifted her up, carrying her to Kenma's room like he'd carry a log.

"You're really heavy." He groaned tossing her onto the hard floor bed. "I should work on my biceps." He frowned poking at his arms. "Can't even carry a girl.."

He implied that he was weak instead of saying i was fat or something...

She stared at the ceiling with heart eyes, smiling shyly.

"Get off of my bed you're getting your germs all over it." Kenma ordered tossing his blanket over her head.

"Why are you guys being mean today." She mumbled getting up to grab a console.

"I play first this time." Kuroo stated childishly grabbing it from her hand.

She stared at him in disbelief. What in the world is wrong with these guys. Have they ever heard of BEING A GENTLEMAN?

I thought you wanted to be an independent and strong woman Y/n. What happened to that huh? Has that dissipated into thin air?

"Fine." She sighed sitting in between the boys munching on some chips.
Their game took a little longer than she anticipated. Y/n flopped onto the floor playing with her hair.

From her peripheral vision, she saw Kenma's hair sway as he moved and an idea popped into her mind.

She crawled behind him and started combing out his hair with her fingers making him flinch and turn to look at the girl.

She gave him a cute smile, "i want to play with your hair."

The boy gave her a blank look then turned back to his game ignoring her. On the inside he felt his head tickle in satisfaction when she touched his hair, but he'd never show it.

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