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There was one thing Y/n gained from Aia's unreasonably cruel breakup; her mother was being extremely good to her.

That meant: staying out as long as she pleased (but who wants to stay out, when you can stay in and be comfy,) allowing her to go places she'd normally laugh in her face at, buying/making her favourite foods, getting her new stuff, she even gave her massages at night. Which—mind you—felt glorious.

So when she asked Reina if she could buy her two different 'fancy' dresses, she jovially accepted. Turns out, being a CEO's booty call was very beneficial in the financial aspect.

The first event was—unfortunately—Yoshida Tech's. There wasn't any dress-code they needed to stick to, so picking a dress for that, was easy as a girl named Aia breaking up with a girl named Y/n.

Goodness. She was really losing it.

The event was supposed to be at nine-thirty, it was currently two, and Y/n had nothing to do. Aiko said she was busy with Karasuno, so that was out of option.

She didn't want to deal with her team, either. They (probably) somehow found out about her and Aia. They eyed both of them the whole time that morning at practice.

The Nekoma boys on the other hand were having an especially long practice today that Y/n was practically sure they were doing it in spite of her.

Takahashi Ran, the girls' team's coach, had informed them at the last minute that there was going to be an official match against Shinzen High next week.

That alone caused her to sweat bucketloads, and she wasn't even going to have to play. Probably—Definitely.

Y/n groaned and reached for her phone, deciding to call the video-game addict, knowing he'd be willing to game with her and ditch his practice.

"Please don't tell me you're next to Tetsurō right now." she whispered when he picked up.

"I am—" Kenma's voice replied, there was shuffling before he whispered back, "—was, why?"

"You wanna do that livestream?" Y/n played with her hair, dangling her feet off of her bed,

"...right now?"


"Absolutely." He grinned, hanging up.

Y/n sat at her desk, ready to kick some ass; Kenma sat outside of the gym, hoping his captain wouldn't notice his absence until he was done.

They started the livestream, and waited for a decent amount of viewers.

"So Kyanma, how are you going to play on your phone without revealing your face, huh?"

The boy sighed, "I guess it's time I do a face reveal after—what?—two years?"

Y/n gasped, just to be extra, "Wow!! Hear that ladies-gents-and-other-humans? You will finally be blessed with my child's hot face!"

"If I was your child—which I'm not—It'd be weird to call me 'hot.'" Kenma was visibly blushing from the side, still not facing the camera, "also, stop acting like this is some talk show. It's embarrassing."

"Pffft, people are much more entertained now, than when you made toxic comments and left abruptly." she scoffed, waiting for her game to load.

"No." he said dryly,

"I think we can start now, I'll upload it on youtube later today. Also, I didn't forget about your declaration of war last week."

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