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Practice was especially tiring that day. Nariko hadn't let Y/n sit down until she perfected her spikes. She was better at receiving and setting which the team appreciated since the inter high preliminaries were in two weeks which made the girl more nervous than she should have been. She'd mainly be cheering them on next to their coach, Takahashi Ran.

Y/n had met him for the first time that day. The girls often talked about how attractive he was and when she met him, she immediately understood the hype. She remembered watching him on YouTube before even knowing he would be her coach which was quite exciting.

From what she heard, he was twenty six years old and retired from being a well know professional volleyball player because of an injury.
He settled with coaching for the school he used to go to, not ready to let volleyball slip away from his life just yet.

He was pretty strict with the team which she admired, as he wasn't going easy on them since they were girls.
Chō had told her that he had treated them to ice cream after winning games as reward for their good work, and made them treat him to ice cream when they lost. She found it quite amusing and couldn't wait to truly be part of the team.
He hadn't pressured her or yelled at her when she couldn't do things right, simply telling her to try again. She had felt very comfortable making mistakes, doing her absolute best nonetheless.

"The girls tell me you've improved a lot, L/n." The taller brunet man smiled at her with a look of pride, "You've been coming for two weeks now right?"

Y/n's body stiffened as she looked down at her shoes "Takahashi sensei!" She squeaked bowing, "yes it has been about two weeks."

He laughed at her behavior patting her shoulder with one hand and pulling out a cigarette with the other, "good work, and please call me Ran."

She blushed and bowed once more watching him leave, lighting the fag with a gold zippo, and boy did he look good while doing something such simple.
"Yes Ran sensei."

"Man. You got a crush on him or what." Yasu laughed wiping her sweat off on her towel,

"I don't have a crush on him. But he is very dashing." She admitted remembering the way he brushed his fingers through his hair as he set the balls for demonstration.

"Lies. Even Shirō admitted he was hot."

"All i said was that he was the best coach we could possibly ask for. I have no idea where you pulled that out of." Idil came in ruffling the blonde's hair making her pull away in a huff.

"Anyways! Y/n what the heck did you think you were doing with those half assed serves." Nariko plopped herself on top of her causing her to gasp in surprise.

"Sorry! I told you I was no good at physical activities!" She whined trying to push her off,

"Oooh group sandwich!" Chō ran over throwing herself over the two making them yelp and start scolding the shorter girl.

"Why can't you two stay still for one day?!" Mizuchi frowned pulling the chubbier girl off of Y/n and tugging on Nariko's sweaty afro.

"HEY IT TOOK ME HALF AN HOUR TO TIE THIS UP NICELY. HOW DARE YOU INA." She roared getting stopped by their captain who shoved her hand in the girls face silencing her.

"Pack up ladies. I want to shut down and go home and rest." She sighed pulling her hair band out of her shiny, shampoo commercial worthy locks.

"I'm off." Aia walked passed them putting her earphones in, not giving them a second glance.

"Could i tag along?" Y/n asked hesitantly playing with the hem of her red and black Nekoma jersey that had the number '7' printed in the centre, "we take the same subway..."

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