
27 4 2

Y/n had told Kuroo she'd leave for school early that day. She told him that she and some of the girls were going to hang out, which wasn't necessarily a lie.

Standing in front of the school gym, she felt her palms starting to sweat. She never really got to have a proper conversation with them, just their names and positions in volleyball. (Yamamoto had kept trying to persuade her to become manager, making her join them a bit late).

It's fine. Just walk in and say hi, give them a friendly smile-

"Oh hey L/n! Come on in." Shiro Idil popped out of no where pushing the door open with her foot waiting for her to walk in. She was in her gym clothes, tying her silky black hair up in a ponytail.

"H-hi! Shiro..." she awkwardly followed the team captain peeking at the others from behind her tall figure.

The five girls were sitting on the floor stretching together, then noticed that Idil had brought someone else with her. The shortest girl in the room- Chiba Chō, the one Yamamoto mentioned finding cute- jumped up and waved at them.

"OOH IS L/N THE ONE-" her voice echoed like thunder causing her to flinch. She laughed at her reaction toppling over. She was a short, kind of chubby girl with long hair and neat fringes. A first year.

"Gosh Chō! you're embarrassing us." The only black girl on the team Y/n easily remembered as their Opposite hitter and ace, Nomura Nariko spoke equally loud, getting into an argument with Chō in the background.

Idil sighed as the Outside hitter, Yamashita Yasu joined them trying to separate them, her short blond hair being pulled on as she grabbed Chō off of Nariko.

"Ah don't mind them. They're a little chaotic." The middle blocker bit her lip scratching her head ashamed of her teammates. Ina Mizuchi was the tallest on the team. She looked exactly like a model because of her red hair, freckles and thick tamed eyebrows.

You wish that was you huh.

It's fine." She gave the redhead a small smile, "The boys are equally chaotic." she added making the two laugh.

"So, L/n." The captain straightened up, "We had a question for you."

The last girl, Yoshida Aia nodded and got up, "join the team. We need an extra on the bench."

"A-ah Aia! You can't just demand stuff from people like that!" Mizuchi sweated flailing her arms out in embarrassment. The girl rolled her eyes at the taller girl and crossed her arms.

She's so muscular! She gives off such an intimidating vibe...

The setter had a mullet and black hair, dyed dark red at the ends. She had a very intimidating badass energy. She was a few centimeters taller than Y/n but oh how small did she feel right now with the girl's icy stares on her. Glaring her down as if saying, 'that's where you belong.'

"Ah be nice Yoshida"

The captain ruffled her hair. Y/n was sure she'd smack her hand away or at least give her a glare as well, but to her surprise she simply looked away from them muttering a 'whatever'.

"Uh...I don't know a single thing about volleyball." She rubbed her arm.

She knew some stuff, but not enough to be able to play. She never even played the sport before so she most likely would embarrass herself if she did join.

"We know! We can teach you!" Mizuchi patted her shoulder in reassurance.

"We really need a sub, preferably an opposite hitter." Idil joined in frowning, "our original RWS got into a severe accident. So Nariko had to take her place. She originally was an outside hitter, and Yasu was on the bench-" Y/n cut her off shaking her head "You don't have to explain it to me. I don't really understand anyways.."

Aia shot her another glare from behind Idil. "Don't cut our captain off."

Idil rolled her eyes playfully, "it's fine Yoshida. Y/n, please join us. we already asked everyone we know but they're all busy with their exams and you're the only second year that might be willing I know. You won't even play in most of the games anyways."

The pressure... Y/n started sweating anxiety creeping up her skin.

"I'm embarrassed. I truly want to, but I can't spike, let alone bounce a ball!"

Cho popped up from behind her making her jump, "I'll teach you how to receive!"

"I don't mind teaching you how to block and spike, it is what a responsible senpai would do after all!" Nariko smirked cockily,

Y/n realized she was being offered something she had always longed for. The fact that she was hesitating upon accepting the offer angered her. The possibility to be a part of a team, to be able to play a sport with the reassurance of her teammates being right beside her made her heart leap with joy.

What am I thinking, I didn't even accept the offer yet.

"I-if you'll have me...I wouldn't mind joining...I guess.." she fiddled with the cuff of her shirt,

The whole team embraced her in celebration, except Aia. It wasn't even that big of a deal to join as one of the people on the bench. She doubted she'd even get a chance to play at all this year.

Idil grabbed a good ball and pointed it at Y/n with a challenging look in her eyes.

"Alright kohai, lets see what you're made of."

She was given Aia's extra clothes because the others didn't have any. The setter didn't make too much of a fuss about it though. They all took turns teaching her how to do stuff. For three hours straight. Y/n was sure she wouldn't make it to the end of the day.

Kuroo and Kenma hadn't really payed much attention to her exhaustion since she seemed to have a lack of energy most of the time. She didn't want to tell them about volleyball yet since she didn't want anyone seeing her play so disastrously. Especially a really good volleyball mastermind who had been playing it way longer. specifically anyone on the boys' team. Even yet more specifically, Kenma and Kuroo.

She made a mental side note to return Aia's clothes to her after washing it.

That night she slept with a smile on her face for the first time in a very long time.

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