
21 4 15

She didn't regret anything. Why should she have?

It's not like she was dating anyone.

She didn't find it wrong, it was an experience.

What she did find wrong was how parched she was at that moment.

She groaned, pulling herself up to reach for her water bottle and down it in a gulp.

"Good morning~" Aiko grinned down at Y/n's messy bed hair, leaning on the doorframe with a glint of mischief in her eyes, "who's are those." She pointed at the cordele green crocs that Suna lent her the previous night (since she had been stupid enough to leave hers back in her room.)

They were considerably large on her, but it was a vibe and she liked the colour.

She was really out there living like a main character these days.

Last night was the most spontaneous thing she'd ever done. Before moving out to the city, she would have left the scene in a flash. But Y/n knew Suna wouldn't judge her for her scars, having similar ones of his own.

"Those..." Y/n rubbed her temple, trying to think of something, "those're Suna's. I asked if I could borrow them for when I go to the pool."

"Uh-huh. Any sins you'd like to atone for missy?"

"What are you talking about."

"I've had my fair share of fun. I think I'd know when I see it."

"Whatever floats your boat Aiko." She sweat-dropped, trying to get dressed.

After hours and hours of practice and lunch, Y/n decided to ask if she could keep the shoes a little longer from the boy, since her friend would get suspicious of why she'd given them back before even using them.

Inarizaki had just ended practising with Fukurōdani, so she pranced towards the benches, approaching a sweaty Suna.

"Hey!" She whispered, sliding next to him, "Aikosawtheshoesandipanicedandtoldherthatiaskedtoborrowthem. So, is it alright if I keep them until tomorrow?"

He chuckled, looking completely unfazed, "Yes you may. But before you do, I'm going down to the pool tonight so could I use them and slip them back in your dorm after I'm done?"

She nodded her head aggressively, "Of course. Please make sure she doesn't spot you. Thank you!" She ruffled his hair and ran back to the other side of the gym where Nekoma was still battling against Ubugawa, currently in a timeout.

"What was that about?" Kuroo asked, harshly opening his water bottle.

He'd watched her talk with that ugly, cocky, know-it-all Inarizaki kid. He looked like a fuck boy. Why—out of all the people she could hang out with—did she pick him?

He wasn't even that good looking.

Though he knew L/n wasn't one to care about physical appearance on others.

On others.

Why did she care about her looks so much?

Was she being bullied or something? Was it that Aia chick?

He needed answers to figure out the solution to a problem he wasn't entitled to solve, nor know about. How the hell was that supposed to work?

"Just asked something." She shrugged nonchalantly, handing Kenma his towel.

"About what? How to get girls? Bet he had a few tips." Kuroo rolled his eyes and set his bottle down.

"Uh, no." She frowned at his behaviour, choosing to let it slide, and took place beside Nekomata in puzzlement.

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