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Aiko had decided to show up early in the morning while Y/n was still snoring away deep in slumber. Reina had already known that she'd be coming the day before, so it was to no surprise when she caught her napping in front of their door, waiting for one of them to wake up. After Y/n finally got up to meet her mother and best friend chatting in the kitchen, Reina suggests the three of them go out and have a little 'bonding' and 'catching up' time together. Thus leading them all to get ready and go to a waffle shop for breakfast.

"So, Y/n." Her mother gave her a teasing smile, "who did you have over last night?" Aiko widened her eyes at her friend, her fork in her mouth.

"You made another friend or is it Kenma? He came over?"

"Maman! How do you even know that..." She groaned cutting her nutella waffle into small pieces,

"So you did! Who even is this Kenma? Why didn't I meet him yet?"

"I met him at a cafe back in Miyagi. But this was Testurō-" her friend dropped her fork "KUROO TETSURŌ AS IN REN'S COUSIN?" She shouted causing a few people to give her dirty glares.

"Quiet down will you? He's Kenma's friend and also my neighbor-" This time her mother cut her off, "He's the one who defended you from the guy?"

Y/n sighed leaning back in her seat, "Yes and why are you so surprised?"

Aiko shrugged, " First name basis? I thought you'd avoid someone like him at all costs. Y'know, loud, cocky, pushy-"

She pursed her lips, "You're loud cocky and pushy. I guess that's the type of people I attract." she mumbled earning a smack on the head.

"You should invite them over sometime so I can meet them." Reina suggested patting her outfit down.

Why is she wearing a button up and trousers if she's just eating breakfast? Is this some new style she's going for?

"In fact! You should invite them today so I can meet them as well." Her friend said excited to meet the two boys.

Hopefully she doesn't take an interest to either of them. Because there is no way that'd end well.

"Uhm...I guess I could ask what they're doing today but Kenma wouldn't really like this sort of situation so I think Its better if he met Aiko first."

Y/n texted their group chat asking what they were doing today and if they'd like to meet her friend. Kenma was the first the first to reply, I guess. You could come over to my house. Parents aren't home.

"Kenma is inviting us over to his place. We'll probably end up playing video games." She told the two who gave each other knowing looks.

"I can drop you guys off if you want." Her mother suggested getting up to pay for the food.

"Thanks Reina! You're the coolest mother ever." Aiko smiled up at the taller woman who looked very professional with her outfit and hair done into a low neat bun.

Y/n: Okay. When are you available?

Kenma: right now I suppose. I hope your friend isn't annoying.

Y/n: Imagine the female version of Kuroo.

Kenma: Great.

She grinned and shut her phone, catching her friend's attention,

"What are we grinning about?"

"Oh I was just telling Kenma how you're practically the female version of Tetsurō."

"Hmph, when did you even get this close to him?" she asked finishing up her waffle,

"Well it has been about a week, and I kind of got pulled into the team's friend group." She smiled lightly, "not that I'm complaining. I really like them, they're all truly nice."

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