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Holy shit.

This was not easy at all. At this point Y/n forgot about her homework, entirely focusing on what she had in her wardrobe. Or rather what she didn't have in her wardrobe.

"Umma! Okaa san! Maman!" She called out to her mother sulking on top of her messy pile of clothes she would force herself to clean up afterwards.

"Yes ttal, musume, fille?" Reina peaked into her closet wearing her pajamas already. "Whoa are you going somewhere?"

She rolled over on her back to look at her mother in distress, "yes. Tetsurō's sister's going to take us out to a 'fancy restaurant' and i have no idea what to wear because I'm broke and the fanciest place I've ever been to was a car dealership shop where we didn't even end up getting a new car."

Her mother cracked a smile, "my, aren't you all grown up, going on dates at fancy places?"

She smacked her face in frustration, "This is serious! I have ten minutes to pick an outfit before i need to meet them downstairs!"

"Okay okay, first of all chill out. I have a dress that i bought for you about a week ago but I didn't really like the little slit on the side so i was thinking of returning it but look at that! Good thing I didn't so now you have something to wear! I'm such a fantastic mom." The woman boasted wiping an imaginary tear from her eyes as she went over to her closet to fetch the bag.

Y/n was skeptical of her mother's choice of clothes so she chose to stay silent until she unwrapped the dress.
As she did, she was quite certainly astounded.

A satin red dress laid neatly folded in white wrapper with a separate piece that seemed to be a silk translucent kimono. A perfect fusion of modern and traditional.
The dress had a black dragon weaving it's way to the top of the dress elegantly and the girl was completely and utterly dazzled by this piece.

"Well I'm glad you love it but I think you have about six minutes to get ready." Reina smiled kissing her daughter's cheek and walking away. "Have fun N/n."

Y/n expeditiously slipped the outfit on, pairing it with plain black boots because there was no way she'd torture herself with heels.
She also didn't own any but that was besides the point.

As she started at herself in the mirror, a whole hurricane of dark thoughts clouded her mind. Why hadn't she skipped her meals? She looked beyond awful right now.
Why did she keep eating even though she knew she'd regret it afterwards?
Why didn't she jog today?
Why did she have to look like that.
Anything but this.

She shook her head not wanting to be any later as she rushed away from her mirror.

She put her wallet into a random black purse she borrowed from her mother and practically ran down to the lobby, spotting her friend in a classic tuxedo and a very beautiful woman beside him.

She wore what people called 'a spaghetti strap' dress that complimented her cleavage that she couldn't help but glance at at least once. She had the exact body Y/n would have done anything to own. The woman noticed her staring and chuckled covering a hand over her mouth politely.

"You must be L/n Y/n! Kuroo told me to be prepared to see you wear something casual but you look absolutely stunning to me!" The woman took her hand in hers as gently as possible. The boy blushing in the background.

Wow thanks Kuroo you damn pi-

"And you must be Kuroo Kumiko. Pleased to meet you." She smiled at the woman and her dangly gold earrings.
The boy had to blink a second time when he saw the girl. What in the world was happening to him right now. How did he find such a woman? How and why was she looking so breathtaking.

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