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Waking up to period cramps wasn't the best way to start a day.

Her mother was already informed about her leaving for the trip, she was surprisingly okay with it. She didn't think her mother would even have noticed if she was gone for a week. Maybe a little suspicious of her whereabouts but not too concerned since she was at work all day long.

She found out Aiko was also going to the camp (which she should have realised sooner because she was one of the managers of Karasuno) and they planned on going around the city together to catch up on life.

It was five in the morning, and she had to get up, take a shower, get dressed and walk all the way to school with her heavily packed sports bag. She'd added some extra stuff, including a swimsuit because Aiko told her to.

Though she didn't plan on going anywhere near anyone in a swimsuit any time soon.

She thanked the universe for not craving food that morning leaving the house without consuming anything other than water. Water was important. Especially on your period.

Her cramps didn't get much better as she waited for Kuroo in the crisp air that she had so longingly missed. Something about the chilly weather calmed her.
She read the book Yasu was talking about the other day. Who had let her borrow it and so far it was rather hooking.

She'd surely finish it on the ride.

"Have you been sitting out here for long?" The boy appeared next to her on the bench she was sitting on.

She looked up, grinning about a scene that took place in the novel. "Nope." She looked down to see his own duffel bag in hand,

"Wow must be a good book to get you grinning like that. Are you feeling any better?" He asked as they walked the familiar path to the school.

"Nope." She shook her head still thinking about the book, then shaking herself out of her thoughts, "I got my period last night. Painful shit right there. I think I died and came back to life because Satan decided I didn't suffer enough. What an asshole." She chuckled, Kuroo furrowed his brows in bewilderment.

"That sounds painful...Do you need something? We can stop by a store.—let me carry your bag."

"No thanks, I like the feeling." She breathed in, getting a whiff of the wet soil and recently bloomed sakura blossoms. Kuroo took her bag from her grip and slung it over his shoulder, "But I still wanna say hi to your grandparents and see the bakery."

"You're weird, koinu." He said, shaking his head, "And yeah, let's stop real quick, we can get something to eat for the road as well."

They took a different turn to get to a navy coloured store, with Kaika no Yorokobi written in fancy gold letters. The inside had a charming white and gold furnishing theme going on and to be frank, Y/n was not expecting this.

"Tsuro what the fuckity hell is this place? It's the most beautiful store I've ever stepped foot in!" She gasped almost sticking her face up onto the display counter studying the varieties of aesthetically pleasing desserts. "Wow look at these! how come you don't bake me anything?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"Goodness koinu. You're another species when you're on your period. I've never heard you swear this much either. Are you high?" He was clearly teasing her, but she ignored his mocking tone and turned to him with a straight face, "No, but I wish I was."

Saving him from an awkward silence, his grandmother appeared out of the back room with a tray of what looked like freshly baked cinnamon buns.

If Y/n wasn't craving anything before, she sure was now. They just had to bring out her personal favourite.

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