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Soon after getting the lovely, inviting and soothing message, Y/n and Aia fought in a few domains together for about twenty minutes, conversing over call. When she informed the setter her favourite male character was Chongyun she had yelled at her about being stupid and instantly hung up and logged off of the game.

Needless to say after trying to stab her repeatedly. Thankfully, that wasn't possible yet.

She had breakfast with the Kozume's, who were rather comfortable to be around. Kenma and his mother bantered about his significantly large doses of screen time but it was all in a teasing manner.

The two left for school, both in their own little worlds walking side by side.

Kuroo was already at the bridge when they got there and Y/n prayed to the good archons that he hadn't watched the live.

"Hello kids. How are we this fine morning? Anything interesting happen? Perhaps a good old interc—" "KUROO." She bellowed, putting her hands on her headphones causing him to chuckle. Kenma blushed from the sidelines falling behind them to hide it.

"I'm kidding! So am I forgiven for taking care of your healths yesterday?"

"Wait. So you didn't see the—" she stopped herself in relief.

"Huh?" The messy haired boy furrowed his brows.

"Nothing. Yes, we forgive you."

"Speak for yourself." Kenma huffed, still seemingly annoyed about the occurrences of the previous day.

School went by in a jiffy. Y/n had practiced by herself in the gym at lunchtime. It bothered her how bad she still was. No matter how determined she felt in the moment, she couldn't do anything right. Excluding her coincidental victories.

She fanned herself as she walked out of the gates under the excruciating heat of the summer sun. Summer sucked.

"Y/nn!!" Chō and Nariko came bouncing out of the building startling her, "We're having a sleepover at Shiro's! You should come!" They pulled her headphones off and shook her in excitement.

It was kind of cute how close they were considering their age gap. Even if they argued most of the time.

"I don't think it's polite to invite someone over to someone else's house, guys." She laughed, retrieving her belonging from the shorter girl.

"Actually, she asked us to invite you."

"Oh. Sure, then. I'd love to. Where does she live?" Y/n asked catching Kuroo walking over to them from where she stood.

"We'll just send Yoshida to fetch 'ya! I'm sure her fatass wouldn't mind a li'l exercise." Nariko smacked her back laughing like her motive was to shake the earth and summon demons from hell.

Fatass...? If they viewed Aia as overweight, imagine what they think about you. They don't even like you. Idil forced them to call you. She's just doing it to be kind. They pity you and your shitty serves. Your awful spikes. Your cringe worthy receives. Nobody truly cares about you.

They hate you.

They hate you.

They hate you.

"Pst." Kuroo whispered, grabbing her shoulder after the two left, "you okay?"

"Huh?" She blinked, "Oh, yeah. I'm fine."

The captain was not having it. Not that she didn't look convincing at the moment. But he did notice that there were some sensitive topics she let slip without knowing it sometimes.

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