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A representation of Y/n and Kuroo.



Y/n needed to get ready to visit Aiko right now, but she was too busy groaning and cringing about her newly discovered feelings.

That stupid-pretty-idiot-smart-lame-handsome KUROO TETSURŌ. Screw him.

"Exactly." she sighed to herself, finally getting up to leave for the train.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to tell Aiko about her crush, but if things ran smoothly, she'd have to know at some point, so may as well?

Y/n pictured Kuroo and herself dating. They'd be a cute couple... Mainly because of Kuroo, but still.

It'd %100  be the cocky-secretly-caring-guy and high-key-depressed-but-tries-to-hide-it-girl relationship where only the guy knows what's really going on with her. Kind of like an 'I can change them' but darker.

"Hey, koinu, where are you going this fine morning?" a voice broke her from her somewhat-innocent thoughts.

"Oh, g-good morning Tsurō." she cursed herself for stuttering, "Miyagi, gonna see Aiko and the team."

Kuroo frowned, she'd be with the Karasuno boys? He didn't want her to be around those two crazy perverts and especially not their captain. He was very fishy.

"What about you?" she watched him curiously,

"I actually don't have anything to do today. I was thinking of going over to Kenma's." he looked down, oddly flustered by the girl's intense gaze (when in reality, she too had a hard time keeping herself stable.)

She pursed her lips, catching onto his flustering.

"Do you wanna come with me? My mom insisted on me staying at a hotel (something about bothering the Koa's) so I actually have extra space in the room." she smiled, suddenly getting excited about the idea of a trip with the boy.

Kuroo blinked at her, surprised at how straightforward she'd become.

"I wouldn't want to intrude on Aiko and your time together—" "She'd be more than happy for you to come! Trust me." Y/n assured,

"I-I mean, if you don't want to come that's fine too! Gosh I didn't—" The boy shook his head, "no no! I'd be more than happy to go with you."

"Yay!'' she grinned, "you gotta hurry and pack then, the train's departing in thirty minutes." she grinned.

After the boy left the lobby to pack, she jumped up in excitement, feeling a surge of happiness.

They ran to the station, laughing at each other when they realised people stared at their panting states.

"I'll go buy my ticket then." Kuroo smiled, setting his bag beside Y/n who shook her sweaty hair.

"I got it." she gestured at her phone, trying to fix her hair.

"You didn't have to, how much w—" she silenced him with her finger, "uhp-pup-uhp. Let me spoil you, sugar baby."

Kuroo gaped at her with an amused-incredible smile. "Fucking crazy." he mumbled, ruffling her hair.

"Pfft. Don't give me the child treatment. I'm your sugar mommy. Boy." she smirked, putting her headphones on.

This woman had no idea what she did to Kuroo.

"What's wrong Cookie? Got mommy issues?" Y/n's grin morphed into a smirk when she noticed him blushing beside her.

"Says the one with mommy issues." he looked away, "it's weird, since you actually have one."

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