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Kuroo hadn't slept last night.

Every time he tried closed his eyes he got flashbacks of Y/n on the bridge. But it ended the worst way possible.

He runs down the hill, sees a figure climbing over a railing, sees her face, sprints as fast as he can to catch her, and misses by a millimetre, watching her body be consumed by darkness.

Kuroo never experienced a death before, no one he knew ever passed, and he certainly wasn't looking forward to it. So when he saw his friend try to kill herself so set off some type of trauma in him.

Maybe it had something to do with his mother leaving him at such a young age without a single word.

But when he saw Y/n jump off, he felt like...he might feel something more...than just friendship towards her?

It could have simply been the shock, though he really could imagine kis—

Kuroo groaned and got out of bed, making sure not to wake the light sleeper up.

Fortunately, his family was all out and at their workplaces, so he wouldn't have to explain why the h/c haired girl stayed over.

He took a rushed shower, and decided to prepare both of them some omelette with rice and bentos for lunch. He also sliced some pineapples on the side of Y/n's, knowing she liked them.

Unwillingly, he went back to his room to wake the girl up, only to find her already awake, laying on the bed and staring out his window in thought. Who knew what she was thinking.

He shook his head and offered a small grin, knocking on the door.

"I made breakfast, you can eat and then head over to your place if you want."

Y/n turned to look at him, slightly startled.

"Sure, I should catch my mom before she leaves for work though."

They ate together, an unspoken agreement to not talk about what had happened passing between them. For now.

"We've got a game against Fukurōdani today." Kuroo said, biting into his eggs.

She smiled at him, "that's great! I'll come to watch you guys for sure."

The way she acted all fine was terribly convincing. She should become an actor, because she almost had him convinced that she was okay. She looked happy on top of that.

But he knew the truth, he'd always known. Now he was fully aware of L/n Y/n and her tendencies.

"You don't have to act all...cheery." he frowned, resting his chin in his hands to study her face.

"I am cheery, though," she said, eating her rice and avoiding his piercing gaze.

Kuroo looked back down at his food letting it slide for now.

Y/n left for her home after they finished up, thanking him for everything—and the lunch box he so carefully made for her. He thought they'd be walking to school as usual, until he got a text from her telling him her mother would drop her off a little later.

Kenma knew something wasn't right, he'd asked Kuroo if anything was wrong, but he'd brushed it off, telling him she was probably running late.

But the girl's absence wasn't what felt off to the dual-colour haired boy. His friend kept zoning out all throughout the day, and at lunchtime (Y/n managed to get away with telling them she'd eat with the girls, but she wasn't with them either.) even at practice before the game, where he was himself the most.

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