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Y/n couldn't sleep.
Kenma, on the other hand seemed to be slumbering like a baby. The sounds of his breathing could be heard from her bed beside his.
The room was incredibly hot. She was sweating just laying there, motionless.

In the end, she couldn't take it any longer and got up in frustration. Her footsteps thumped lightly on the wooden boards as she stepped out onto the living room balcony.

A light breeze was more than enough to make her breath in satisfaction as a crisp air filled her lungs.
The moon wasn't in sight, covered by a thin layer of clouds. The stars' twinkle was what made her decide to sit on the stool for a while and enjoy the view as thoughts came crashing into her mind like a flood.

She liked Kenma. He was fun.
They understood each other. They were so very similar and it made her feel happy. Happy that they could be there for each other. Hopefully he trusted her as much as she did him.

Kuroo, on the other hand was a little bit more complicated. They got along just fine, but sometimes it felt like the only thing that pulled them together was Kenma.
Then the events of the previous night clouded her mind. He was definitely attractive. And smart. And talented.
But did she want to get herself into that? He surely had a lot of girls on his tail. Even if he didn't, there wasn't a chance for him to like her.
Then there was Shiro Idil. Her captain, her friend. Both captains seemed to have some type of history together.

Y/n wasn't stupid. There were the rare encounters between the two while she was around to witness it and it looked quite tense.
She'd catch Kuroo steal glances at the gorgeous third year as she had him.
Maybe they simply took a liking to each other. Or perhaps she was right and they really did go out at some point.

Did it matter? It was never going to happen. She may as well save herself of the misery and ignore her little infatuation over the boy.

The girl got up and walked back to Kenma's room finally starting to feel a little tired.

Y/n also felt a strong pull towards Yoshida Aia, though it could have been because she was terrifying.
She felt like she might start warming up to her. Conceivably. She even accepted to play Genshin with her. Thinking of, when were they going to do that? Should she ask her first or should she wait to be invited?

Who was she kidding. That woman wouldn't start up the conversation if hell froze over.
Maybe she should text her—

"What are you doing out of bed?" A tuneless voice said interrupting her thoughts.

She looked down to find a grumpy looking blond on his computer. Playing minecraft. At this hour.
She couldn't help but smile at his cat ear headsets that glowed different hues by the second.

"Uh I couldn't sleep." She croaked not used to her voice after not using it for so long. "What in the world are you doing? You were literally snoring when I left."

"I don't snore." He hissed and stole a quick glance at her. "Late night thoughts?"

She hummed, "what are you doing up? It's—" she glanced at her watch, "it's two-forty!"

"I know." He swiveled his chair around to look at her while his game loaded, "tell me about your troubles?"

She averted her gaze now watching the moon through the window that was finally uncovered by the haze. "Isn't the moon beautiful tonight?" Y/n asked trying to avoid the question. "I think it's a full moon or something."

"It's Kuroo and Idil, right?"

First name. Suspicions proven. Also, how dare he ignore me?

"I mean it's none of my business." She sat back in her bed slowly trying to blink back her languor.

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