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I am alive;


"I genuinely want to be mad at you..." Kuroo huffed from his seat beside Y/n passive-aggressively eating his lunch in the gym with the others. "But how can I be mad at you." he grunted.

Ever since the mixed match, the girls' and boys' team decided to eat lunch together, and occasionally practise. They got along pretty well. It was much easier for Y/n now that she didn't have to keep switching.

Nariko and Yamamoto became very good friends and she honestly found their friendship adorable. It could get irritating sometimes, but it was sweet.

"It's not my fault you didn't catch my hint." she shrugged, watching Yasu correct any and every sentence that Lev uttered.

"Still bummed that you aren't together though." Cho chimed in with her mouth full of dumplings.

Shiro didn't seem to be affected by everyone teasing the two of having slept with each other. But she wasn't exactly jumping with joy, either. Since she was the one that ended everything, and on a good note as well, Shiro Idil had no right to be upset by such a mundane thing as a break up.

She smiled at Kuroo, whom she caught staring at her as if expecting a reaction. He seemed to be a little disappointed by this.

"Would you like my banana Lev?" Y/n asked unusually loudly, breaking the two exes from their daze.

"Oooh thanks, Y/n!" Lev took it cheerily, immediately starting to peel the fruit.

She didn't mind them glancing at each other or talking about their relationship, but did they really have to look at each other like that in front of her?

"Why aren't fictional characters real?!" Cried Yasu suddenly, slamming her book shut and throwing herself on the floor.

"Imagine going to a ball every other week, tea parties, meeting mysterious people in masks, getting kidnapped and escaping with simply your intelligence surprising your capturers..."

"That reminds me, are you ready for tomorrow night?" Kuroo asked Y/n,

"Wait—our official match with Shinzen is tomorrow too." She realised, getting incredibly nervous all of a sudden.

The fear of being subbed and doing something wrong—or embarrassing, caused her to tense up. There were millions of possibilities of her ending up doing something idiotic.

"I'M SO EXCITED FOR THAT—WE'RE GONNA MAKE THEM EAT SHIT." Nariko jumped up with her fist in the air.

"Imagine losing after saying that." Yasu rolled her eyes,

What if we do lose? It would be Y/n's fault, wouldn't it? Who else could cause them to lose—she is the newest to volleyball after all.

"Hey, how about we don't stress or pressure Y/n, it's going to be her first game." Mizuchi patted her back reassuringly.

"I'm not pressured...or stressed." She lied through a smile,

"We totally believe you." Kenma commented sarcastically, surprising the girls.
They never expected him to be the snarky type at all.

"Thanks Kyanma." Y/n grinned back at him with a matching energy.

"No problem idiot."

"Hol' up." Kai started, "is this how y'all introverts talk or some—" "yoooo that actually makes sense!" Nariko butted in, and the two started coming up with theories on how introverts are actually a secret cult, planning on conquering the world and banning parties; social events where everyone had to have a secluded-private job with no human contact whatsoever.

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