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Kuroo invited Y/n over to play a video game she hadn't heard of before, so she agreed. She was always up for learning something new.

She went into her apartment just to get changed into a white shirt that covered her arms and red shorts so she could finally be comfortable and sit cross legged after a long day of constantly pulling her skirt down.
Especially if she was going to try out a new game. It got quite aggressive when she tried something new.

She walked over to the last door on the nineteenth floor. Waiting for someone to open it after she knocked in a catchy rhythm.

Kuroo opened it welcoming her inside.
"You know we have a doorbell right?" He teased her, momentarily glancing at her long sleeves, wondering why she'd be wearing it in the scorching heat of summer.

"Yeah but I don't like the sound of doorbells." She mumbled making him grin at her.

"Take a seat with Kenma, I'll bring us something to eat." He left her with Kenma in his bedroom, who was trying to set the game up.

It was a plain, very organized room with a lot of extra space for Kuroo to practice his volleyball. She definitely approved.

"This is Metal Gear rising. We're in the middle of the eighth game so sucks for you i guess," he shrugged making Y/n let out an amused snort.

"Well i suck at video games so if i mess this up, sucks for you i guess," she grinned at Kenma who turned to her with raised brows.

"You act very differently when it's just the two of us." He shook his head in disbelief.

Right on cue Kuroo came in with a tray of chips, dried mango and a single slice of apple pie, which she assumed was for Kenma.

"Sorry that was the last slice of apple pie and he would kill me if i gave it away." He set the tray in between the two and took a seat next to her on his bed. It was awkward to say the least.

She extemporaneously got up, biting the inside of her cheek,
"I'm sorry I don't know why i sat on your bed!I'd be annoyed if someone i just met did that." She plopped herself on the floor crossing her legs, shuddering, her anxiety triggered and she felt herself shudder.

Idiot. You should have thought of this beforehand. Why can't you be smarter?

"L-L/n what are you doing?" Kuroo stood up trying to pull her back on the bed, she looked up at him, "you never cease to amaze me i swear- please just sit on the bed. If my sister saw you on the floor like this I'd be getting a good old beating." He pulled her back on the bed.

Y/n relaxed her shoulders, staring at the screen where they were going to choose their characters. "Okay then... so how do we play this?"

Half an hour in of explaining the game Metal Gear to Y/n, and repeatedly playing the same thing over and over again, she simply couldn't seem to get the hang of it.

Kenma groaned and threw himself on the bed smacking his face, "It's not that hard!" He raised his voice, making Y/n feel awful for not being able to do it.

Why can't you do it?! Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. I hate you-

Kuroo looked at her with slight worry in his eyes. Then turned to Kenma,
"It's easy for you to say Kenma. You've been playing this for years."

"I was never this bad." He sat up taking the last bite of his pie. "Not even when i first started."

"I'm sorry, I've never really been good at video games." She rubbed the back of her neck with a puny smile kind of wishing she hadn't agreed to come over.

"Kozume Kenma!" Kuroo hit his friends head disapprovingly. He gave her a small embarrassed smile as to apologize.

She shook her head as to say it was fine, "It's fine! I'll leave you two too it. It's getting late anyways." She got up from her seat beside Kuroo and gave a slight bow. "Thank you for having me."

Kuroo grabbed her arm,
"At least let me walk yo-" Kenma sat up playing a new game on his phone, "I'll go with her."

Y/n and Kuroo blinked at the shorter boy in complete and utter confusion.

Y/n grabbed her phone and slipped it in her pocket, "o-kay then...goodbye Kuroo." She gave him a small smile and they headed out.

When the two got in the elevator Kenma shut his phone and shoved it in his volleyball shorts with such force it scared the girl.

"Uh Kenma are you okay?" She rubbed her arm.

"So what is it?" He asked calmly looking her straight in the eyes,

"Whoa, I'm not used to you being the talkative one- what are we talking about?" She liked how interested he seemed after she saw how annoyed he was at her for not being able to play.

"Y/n what is it that you listen to that flusters you so much?" He wore a crazy look on his face she'd never seen before.

She realized he'd said those things just to ask her this. He didn't realize how much it would affect her later, as negative thoughts started bottling up inside of her.

"It's personal Kenma." She looked at his reflection in the elevators mirror trying to ignore his leer.

He shrugged, "I won't judge."

Y/n sighed, realizing he wouldn't drop the subject.

"I like to listen to my comfort character asmrs." She said monotonously. Fiddling with her shorts behind her back.

"What kind of asmrs?"

She furrowed her brows at him, "I just told you-why do you-i like to listen to role play asmrs god damn it!" She toppled over when Kenma shoved her by the shoulder. "What is wrong with you?"

"I knew it." Kenma pursed his lips smiling to himself as he took his phone back out. "So, Raiden shogun or Zhongli?"

She turned beet red, "well I prefer Yae Miko and Ayato and various other characters." she was a little pissed he got that out out of her.
The elevator came to a stop and she got out and said goodbye to him.
but right before the door closed to go back to Kuroo's place, Kenma blushed and managed to mutter out that he did too.

Though she hadn't heard him.

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