
21 3 11

CW: suicide.

Well. This was...different.

It was currently ten-thirty at night, Aia, Y/n, her mother and Aia's mother, Neimy, were sitting on the luxury couches in the so-called living room, where the two girls caught their parents kissing each other in.

"Is someone gonna spit it already?!" Aia's harsh voice demanded, getting up from her seat beside Y/n. "And since when the hell are you gay ma'?!"

"I am very much not a lesbian Aia." Neimy, Aia's mother, a petite woman spoke, sounding offended. "And why on earth are you bringing someone over without my consent? Did you finish studying for your upcoming tests?"

So she was one of those parents.

"What are you doing here at this hour, Y/n?" It was Y/n's mother's turn to interrogate,

"Hanging out, mom." she sighed out, "the real question is, what were you doing."

"Yeah! Isn't it against, like, work policy to date your—" the women winced at their children, "We weren't kissing!"

"Do we look blind to you?" Aia deadpanned, gripping the red velvet couch. She felt highly disrespected at the moment.

Neimy shot a warning glare that wasn't even directed at Y/n, but it made her cower in fear nonetheless.

"Fine." Reina glanced at her boss for any sign of objection to her admission, "call it friends with benefits."

"Reina." the smaller woman widened her eyes,

"They would have found out sooner or later." she pointed out.

"So you're actually gay."

"No!" there was a pause, "I'm...I-I suppose—"  Neimy raised her voice at her daughter's sensible statement, causing Y/n to flinch.

Aia noticed her change in demeanour. Her face softened at the sensitive girl, so she sat beside her and started rubbing circles on her back.

The women widened their eyes for a fleeting moment, feeling like they'd only just figured something out.

"Are you two dating?"

A taut silence fell upon the room.

Aia wanted to admit that they were, in fact, dating, but she didn't want to put Y/n in an awkward situation; Y/n also didn't see a problem telling them, but Aia's mother seemed like someone she didn't want to piss off. So she too, stayed quiet.

"Well not r—" "This is stupid. I want a lawyer."

They said after realising they were waiting for the other to answer, causing an unnecessary clashing of sentences.

Y/n furrowed her brows at the setter when she processed her words, a lawyer?

"Watch your tone young lady!" Neimy tested sternly, "And if you don't answer the blasted question right n—"

Aia slapped her hands over her thighs in irritation, "Yeah we're dating, and we don't plan on breaking up, ever. So you two can go ahead and break up because we sure as hell aren't." she scowled, stomping out of the room in a hassle as her mother yelled after her.

Y/n was deserted to fend for herself: wallowing in a state of perturbation.

"So you're a lesbian." Y/n's mom stated with pursed lips, as if all of this was humourous and normal.

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