Intuition or gut feeling

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Chapter 12

What is intuition? What is gut feeling? Are there any differences? Well intuition is something that often can give you a tip of that you are divinely guided by something bigger than just something that are from your life from this world. Intuition is something given to you when you have opened the channel for it. To be in a receiving mode. When you can neutralize your thoughts and just be open for whatever that comes to you. But your choice from intuition is made in some seconds, if you wait longer than it is our brain that is making it. 

Of course your gut feeling is also important. It can tell you warnings and things that you just feel, with your gut. Something is wrong! Something feels so right!  It can also come when you have a memory of something that has happened before that automatically tells you to run or stay. The gut feeling might point us in the right direction when we feel something that is not correct. It can tell us that something might be dangerous or that someone else is in danger. Gut feelings can be developed too. If you learn to thrust it. If you learn to really go for it and see if it was to correct The more you learn, the better you can understand it. 

Intuition can also be a way of energy reading that sometimes can be felt even from a distance. I know when I dated this guy and he went away for a trip. I just felt that something had shifted in the energy from him and when he got home, the first he said on the phone was that he wanted to break up. Another time I also felt the shift in the relationship and the way my partner not being presence and also this time I was right. There has been so many times that I can feel energy and then it just appears that what I feel from far away was correct. To read energy is something that you also can learn, by studying people by observing them. By seeing what they do in different situations and how they behave, in actions and in words. 

Both of them though is important to have. Gut feeling is a great ability to have together with the intuition. They can always be better, sharper and more giving to your daily life. We have been taught so much in our life to make decision with our brain. But what if our brain just do decisions from things we have read, seen on television, seen other people do or even worse think we been brought up to think is right for us. What if our brain doesn't at all knows what is best for us? What if it only knows what is best for someone else? That we are living someone else life?

So what can we do, to know? Well we can just pause,  sit down and just be in silence. For ten minutes now and then to really still all the voices. Maybe even more. From ourselves or others. From socialmedia and music. Just sit still and wait for the true voices to speak. The voices that are from our inner soul. From our inner peace that can make us grow. In a way that will make us happy. Inside, out. 

What if we only live from our heart? What would the world look like if we were to do it? What would it make us feel? What would it make other people feel? Will everyone be happy? I think so. I think that everyone might not be happy with everything but at least people will not chase superficial things, be money oriented and materialistic. Maybe we would live in a world that is more given. I know that there cant be light without shade. I know. But sometime I just wish that it could be more easier to decide without brain shading down the decision.

But the best is that those two will be soulmates. Forever. 

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