33. Fortune Teller: Chungha (SOLO)

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Inspired by a TikTok @ fash

You guys were at the mall, walking around, enjoying the company of one another, your hands intertwining with her's. You guys don't really get this kind of day, where you both can hold each other's hands for more than five minutes. You felt your stomach turn, causing you to look for a place to get something to eat. And there in all its glory, the Golden Arches.

** Insert Angel Voices Harmonizing **

"Babe, do you wanna get something light to eat? I'm actually kinda hungry" you asked as you pulled her towards the entrance of McDonalds.

"Mmmm, I'm good" she said making you stop in your tracks.

"Babe" you said in a sternly manner.

"I'm not hungry" Chungha said.

"Are you sure Chung?" you asked to make sure.

"I'm sure of it love. I'm not hungry" she said.

"Kim Chungha. We both know that every time I get something for myself, I don't even end up eating it. You eat it" you said.

"Oh Ehm Gee! That was like one time. You're being a bit exaggerating" Chungha said making your face drop.

"It's happened more than once baby" you said.

"Okay, we'll I'm not hungry" she said.

"Are you sure?" you asked just to make sure.

"Oh my... Go get YOURSELF some food y/n!" she said as she shoved you towards the door.

"Are you sure sure you're don't want anything to eat?" you asked.

"I'm not hungry!" she shouted.

You walked through the doors, mimicking her yelling "I'm not hungry". A few minutes past and you came back, a medium fries in your hand.

"C-Can I have some?" Chungha muttered.

"Are you serious right now Chung?" you asked in disbelief.

"What, I'm hungry now. You know, you can always say no and make me go pay for my own food" she said as she pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You're so freakin' annoying. Here, have this!" you handed her the fries as she snatched it out of your hand.

"Thanks baby" she said as she began eating the fries "Wait, what about you?"

"I have my own. I bought two medium fries and one mcchicken. One fries for my annoying little girlfriend and one fries for the fortune telling boyfriend" you said as you pulled out another medium fries from the bag.

You took out the mcchicken and unwrapped it from the wrapper. As you were about to take bite, you stopped midway, from what she said.

"So shouldn't there be two mcchickens then?" Chungha asked as she gnawed at one of the fries.

Groaning, you held the sandwich in her face.

"Take it" you demanded, in which resulted in a squeal of delight and your sandwich gone.

"Thanks baby. I love you so much" she said as she hit into the sandwich.

"I love you so much" you mimicked her in a prissy spoiled child voice like way, causing her to glare at you "You want my fries too?"

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