19. Fanmeet: Yeeun (CLC)

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You were dropped off at the venue by your sergeant who was a huge fan of your girlfriend's group CLC. They held an impromptu fan meet where they can interact with the fans and have fun. What they didn't know was that their main rapper's boyfriend was coming back from being deployed. You walked into the venue, hearing people scream different members names. You smiled as they all greeted the fans and spoke with them. You watched from a far as your girlfriend was talking with a fan. You watched as the members continued to laugh with the fans. You couldn't be more happier knowing that your girlfriend was happy doing the thing she loves with the people she loves. If it's one thing you know, your girlfriend adores Cheshires. Every time you guys face time, she always had a story about how a fan would make her day. The most recent one was how a male fan told her that he could make her happy. You weren't fond of the story but it was her job. You walked down the aisle, everybody looking at you. It became dead silent, the moment you approached the table. The securities cams rushing to you to hold you back, until Yeeun's high pitch voice screamed.

"Jagi!" she screamed as she ran around the table and into her arms.

"Hello my love" you said kissing the top of her head.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she looked up at you.

"I came here to see how you're doing" you said poking her nose, making her giggle.

She wrapped her arms around your lower abdomen, and forced herself into your body as she hugged you tighter. She began to inhale your manly scent, which made her content. Everybody began screaming as they witnessed everything.

"Well if you don't already know, this is y/n. He's Yeeun's boyfriend" Sorn said through the mic, making you the center of attention.

You shyly waves at everybody. Yeeun, grabbed yourself hand and walked up the stage with you. She made you sit down on the chair, making her sit on your lap. She smiled as she continued to deal with fans as if nothing happened. You wrapped your arms around her petit waist as she was talking with a fan and began to kiss the back of her neck.

"Ummm. Please unhand her. She's mine" you heard someone say.

You looked and saw a guy giving you the death glare.

"I'm sorry what?" you asked.

"I said let her go. Yeeun is mine" the guy said.

"Is that right?" you asked in a teasingly manner.

"Yup" the fan said.

"Well can you do this?" you asked as you turned Yeeun around, molding your lips into her lips, making her squeal.

You inserted your tongue into her mouth, as you grabbed her face, and kissed her more. You gave the fan the side eye as you continued to kiss her, only for him to walk off.

"Is this fan meet almost done!" you asked Yeeun making her blush "I wanna continue this somewhere in private"

"Give me another thirty minutes" she said as she caressed your face.

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