10. Runaway Lovers: Tzuyu (TWICE)

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You had nobody left. You had no siblings. Your parents? They died in the car accident. You are sometimes blaming yourself for their deaths. It happened when you were younger, your parents had just got home from work. And you begged them to take you to the park. They had declined at first but then gave in. It happened so fast that you were smiling and laughing one second, then you were screaming and crying the other second. Your dad had fallen asleep at the wheel while your mom was already asleep. They both had died at the scene by impact. After being discharged, they let you stay in the shelter until you were old enough to live by yourself then they shipped you off to South Korea where there was a shelter where they help young adults trying to find a way pave to stay. However, you had to room with a girl only because the boy's dormitory was full. You had found out that her name was Tzuyu. She had nice long hair, her body proportion was perfect, her eyes were perfect. She was like your escape from reality because ever since you moved to Korea from Japan, you were bullied. They would call you an orphan or even tell you that nobody loves you, that's why you don't have parents. They somehow found out that you parents died so they had said that you were the cause of their deaths.   You would vent to Tzuyu and she would offer you such great advice. It didn't take long for you to develop a crush on Tzuyu. However, years past and you somehow mustered up the courage to ask Tzuyu to be your girlfriend. It was the most nerve wrecking thing that happened to you. You guys were like couple goals, or that's what everybody had said.

It was the day of your graduation, you held the object inside your your hand that was hidden inside your pocket of the gown.

"Y/n y/l/n" your name echoed throughout the auditorium as applause erupted, as you made your way to get your diploma.

You shook your hands and smiled at him as you guys took a picture. He patted your back and wished you good luck as you took the mic.

"Tzuyu Chou" you called her name.

She looked confused as to why you were calling her name, she came and took your picture and tried to walk past you.

"Hold on" you said to her making her pause.

"What is this for?" she asked becoming a mini tomato.

You cleared your throat and took several breaths.

"Tzuyu, is one of a kind. And I mean that. She's intelligent beyond measures, she is ambitious, she's hardworking, loyal, caring, the list goes on. But the one word that describes her is special. Tzuyu, you make me feel special, even if it I don't do anything fancy for you. You told me to cheer up when I asked what is love. You gave me a signal when came to my door every morning saying knock knock. Every time I see you, my mind is going Ooh Ahh, because I likey you. I love you with all my heart Tzuyu. What do you say. Would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" you finished as you got down on one knee "Is it yes or yes?"

"Yes you idiot" she said as she tackled you down making everybody scream and clap.

You pecked her lips and picked her up, grabbed her diploma, and walked back to your seat. She hid her face in your chest as you wrapped your arm around her shoulders bringing her closer. After the graduation ceremony, you met up with her family. You saw her rush to them, showing off the ring you just gave her. They just looked at her as if they had bad news.

"What's wrong?" Tzuyu asked her parents.

"Sweetie, we are sorry but you can't marry y/n" her mom said.

"What why?" she asked.

"Because we have an arranged marriage already set up for you" her father said "And we're not taking no for an answer"

"But what about y/n? I love him" she said as she hugged your arm.

"Y/n is not gonna support you financially. He can't even support himself" they said.

"Who gives a fuck whether he can or can't support me financially. At least he supported me when you guys were gone" she said.

"Don't speak to your father like that young lady" her mom said.

"Let's go Tzuyu. Give y/n back his ring" her dad said.

She looked at you and cried. She buried her face into your chest as she cried.

"Don't let me go with them" she muttered.

"Just go babe. They're right about me not being able to support you" you said.

"But baby" she cried grabbing the attention of some people.

"No baby. If you love your parents go with them" you said.

She slowly made her way to her parents, walking past them, brushing their shoulders as she past them. You looked at them with tears in your eyes.

"Please, take good care of her" you said as you walked the opposite way.

Months past and you had gotten an invitation for Tzuyu's wedding with some guy named Han Jisung. You cried your eyes out as you saw the soon to be couple in a picture together. You could tell that they both were super uncomfortable.

It was the day of the wedding and you heard a knock on your door. You groaned as the knocked kept going and going, not even stopping for a second. You got up and swung the door open.

"What!?" you shouted only to quiet down to see Tzuyu with a suitcase.

"Pack your bags lover boy. We leaving" she said.

"Wait what? What about your wedding" you asked as she came in and hugged you.

"Turns our, he has a babymama. It was actually his idea to run away. He's the one that told me to not show up to the church. He's actually on a plane, going to the U.K." she said.

She walked in and pecked your lips.

"We have about an hour, so let's go" she said as she began packing your things while you stood there still trying to comprehend what was going on.

She stopped throwing your belongings in a suitcase and looked at you.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you moving!" she asked.

"I just at can't believe it" you said.

"Well believe it because you stuck with me for life booboo" she said as she kissed you passionately "Now let's go wherever the sun takes us"

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