22. Partner: Kei (LOVELYZ)

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You drove the car, hand in hand with your girlfriend. You guys were police officers and you guys were assigned to just drive around, make sure the city was in check. You guys decided to get some snacks at a convenient store.

"What would you like baby? My treat" you announced.

"Really?" Kei asked.

"Of course. Anything for my love" you said pecking her lips.

You guys went to grab everything that you guys wanted and went to the cash register.

"Hello officers, how are you guys doing?" the cashier asked.

"We're good and yourself?" Kei asked.

"Honestly, I'm scared. There's been killing in the neighborhood" he said.

"And that's why we are here. To prevent the killings" you said.

Kei! Y/n! Do you copy?

You both looked at each other. You held the button to the speaker.

"Wassup Mijoo?" you asked.

Head over to the church on Lovelinus Boulevard. There were multiple calls of a shooting

"Alright we're heading over there right now" Kei said as you both rushed out.

"Please be careful, we've lost one too many officers" the cashier shouted as you guys hopped in the car.

You guys drove all the way to Lovelinus Boulevard where you were met with two other police cars and four masked figures with guns pointing at the officers. You guys hopped out of your car and drew out your firearms.

"Freeze! You are outnumbered and will be shot at if you guys don't cooperate!" you shouted.

The masked figures aimed their guns at you and Kei.

"We have you surrounded, please put the gun down now!" Kei shouted.

The masked figures continued to switch their aim from you to the other five officers. You watched as they looked at each other and slowly out the guns down. You guys cautiously walked to the figures to put handcuffs on them. You guys had put handcuffs on them and began to escort them to the cars. You stayed behind and talked with the other officer of the happenings, getting details on the incident so you guys can file a report. You turned around and noticed that one of the masked figures had somehow escaped the handcuffs and bent down to reach for a gun. They aimed it, making you trace their where they were aiming. Only for you to see that they were aiming at Kei. Your eyes widened, He you ran towards Kei and a few shots were fired. You hugged Kei as people began scrambling around the street, screaming their heads off. You checked if Kei was hurt, twirling her in a circle to see if she had been hit.

"Baby are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" you asked.

"No I'm okay" Kei said as she hugged you.

The moment she pulled back, her eyes widened as her pale skin was now covered in blood. She turned you around and lifted up your uniform, gasping at the multiple gun wounds that decorated your body. You felt light headed, your body giving in on you, you fell in Kei's arm.

"Y/n!" she screamed.

"Officer down! We need a paramedic and back up! Now!" Officer Mijoo called through the intercom.

"Y/n baby. Listen to my voice honey. You're gonna be okay" she cried.

"Y/n listen to me. Help is on the way, do you hear me" Mijoo asked earning a feeble nod from you.

You coughed up blood, making Kei scream as she held onto you. You reached out to Kei, caressing her face as you smiled at her.

"Don't cry my love" you whispered as you began to close your eyes.

"Y/n! Don't you dare shut your eyes on me. Listen to me. It's me baby. Kei. Listen to my voice. Don't leave me baby please!" Kei cried "Please y/n!"

She rocked you back and forth as you stared at her tear stained face. You began to go in and out of conscious, your vision becoming blurry as time past. You looked at her and smiled.

"Kei. Stop crying dear. I love you so much" you whispered in a feeble manner.

Your body became limp and your eyes closed. Kei screamed, as your body was lying in her arms.

"Come back baby!" she screamed as she kissed your head "Don't leave me y/n"

Paramedics finally arrived and they came and tried to do CPR on him. They even tried to shock you, but they were too late. Your wounds were far too greater. You lied on the cold pavement, surrounded by your blood, as Kei cried over your body.

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