42. Pause: Sana (TWICE)

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You don't know how it happened, but it did. You and Sana, the perfect couple that everybody thrived to be, arguing. But for what? You don't even know. You picked her up, where her mood wasn't the best but you still smiled your way through her mood swings. You got to school where you had opened the door for her and offered to carry her bag, your usual routine. Instead she stormed off ahead, not even giving you a quick glance or a thank you. So you went and had asked her what was wrong, that was when she started screaming at you. You stood there clueless as she continued to yell at you for God knows what.

"Wait, I am mad confused right baby? What are you even talking about?" you asked your voice quickly escalating to the same volume as her voice, instantly drawing a sea of people.

"Oh don't play dumb now y/n y/l/n! You know damn well what the fuck I'm talking about" she snapped back.

"I really don't baby girl. I've been real patient with you this whole morning because you've been having this attitude ever since I picked you up. Please tell me why you're angry" you asked trying to be the bigger person and de-escalate the situation.

"You know what, there is no point in talking to you" she said as she turned on her heel and walked away from you.

"Babe!" you called out to her as she continued to walk in front of you.

"Y/n, what is happening?" your sister asked as she caught up to you.

"I don't know, Sana has been in a really bad mood this whole morning. And then she snaps and I don't know why" you managed to say while chasing your girlfriend "Yah, Sana!"

"Is she on her... You know what I'm talking about?" your sister Nayeon asked.

"No because we fucked the day before yesterday" you said causing Nayeon to gag.

"Three letters, T-M-I" she said as she continued to gag.

You ran and grabbed ahold of her wrist as you called out to her, in an instant she yanked her wrist away with such force that her elbow made contact with your face causing you to fall down, making the whole hall quiet. Nayeon was instantly at your side, asking if you were okay.

"Oppa, you're bleeding" Nayeon announced.

You instantly touched where her elbow had made contact to your face and winced at the pain that shot through. You hissed loudly as you withdrew your hand from your busted lip and was sure enough to find blood smeared on your fingers.

"Y-Y/n" Sana finally spoke out quietly.

"I think you've done enough damage for now Sana" Nayeon said as she helped you up.

You didn't know what else to do as blood continued to slowly leak into your mouth, so you spat on the ground holding your sweater to your lip to try and stop the bleeding.

"You're on pause" you said as you turned on your heel and walked away.

"W-Wait y/n!" Sana said but she stopped in her track when Jihyo and Mina blocked her from getting to you.

You never in this relationship had put Sana on pause. Usually she was the one putting you on pause and that was when she would get jealous or when you were too horny. So for you to put her on pause was a first for this relationship.

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