30. Caught: Wonyoung (IVE)

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"Good morning love" your girlfriend chirped as she made her way into the living room.

"Morning baby girl" you said as you finished making yourself some breakfast, offering her some.

"I'll probably just take a slice of toast and bacon. Our manager made a last minute booking for us, so we're all rushing" she said as she finished putting on her shoes.

She came and stood by you, as she grabbed a slice of toast and bacon, munching away. She looked at the time and realized that she was running late. Her eyes widened, and she swallowed the last bit of her breakfast before kissing you and running out the door as she screamed a good bye.

Waiting after a few minutes, just to be on the safe side, you went into the room and dug through your drawer. Fishing out the box, you grabbed the lighter that was right next to it, and went to the balcony, where you had a chair. Sitting down, you sparked the cigarette and inhaled the bitter air. Holding it in, feeling your lungs begin to burn, getting used to the familiar feeling of your lungs on fire, you exhaled the smoke. Watching as it danced in the sky freely. Taking another drag of the cigarette, you exhaled out, as your nerves began to relax even more.

You've been hiding the fact that you smoke from your girlfriend, unaware and even scared on how she will react. You've started smoking even prior to your relationship, and you still haven't told her. And it's been a good minute since you both started dating.

After finishing the last drag of cigarette, you threw the butt over the balcony, as you went inside. But soon stopped in your tracks when your eyes met her eyes.

"What was that?" she immediately asked making your mind go blank.

"Ummmm" was all you managed to say before she asked another question.

"Why do you have a box of cigarette and a lighter in your hands!" she asked.

"Why are you here so early?" was all you could manage to ask.

"There was a misunderstanding between us and management. Our schedule isn't til tomorrow. You still haven't answered my question y/n. Why do you have a pack of cigarettes and a lighter?" she asked.

"I smoke" you admitted making her frown.

"How long has that been going on?" she asked.

"A while" you muttered.

You heard her sigh as she punched the bridge of her nose, muttering a few words that were inaudible for you.

"Babe, are you aware at the health risks that smoking causes?" she asked.

"I am very well aware of them baby girl" you said.

"Then why do you still do it?" she asked.

"It helps me relieve some stress" you admitted.

"But there are other ways of doing that y/n. What you're doing is hurting you body" she said.

"I know, and I've been trying to quit" you said.

"Well let me help you quit smoking. Let start by..." Wooyoung said as she took big strides to you, grabbed the box out of your hand, and walked to the balcony.

Throwing it over the balcony, your mind finally registering what she did. You ran out, on to the balcony and watched as the box was now falling down.

"Why'd you do that for? That was ten dollars!" you screamed as it finally hit the floor, you witnessed the box getting trampled on.

"I'm helping you quit. And nobody told you to waste ten dollars on a pack of cigarettes" Wooyoung said as she snatched the lighter with her thumb and index finger.

"Babe!" you shouted as the lighter was now getting stepped on, on the bush sidewalk.

"You don't need it either" she said "I'm trying to help you y/n"

"You're right, thanks my love" you said as you was about to wrap your arms around her small body til she pushed you back.

"Oh no. You reek of cigarettes, go brush your teeth and spray some cologne on" she said making you throw a mini temper tantrum.

You stomped your way into the bathroom, brushed your teeth and sprayed cologne. You walked into your room and froze in your spot. You noticed that your top drawer was wide open, your things scattered, and a big spot of emptiness. That spot, being the spot where you hid your boxes at.

"Wonyoung!" you screamed as you ran to the front to see her on the balcony.

"Free cigarettes!" she shouted as she tossed all your boxes in the air, watching as gravity did it's thing and pushed them down to the ground.

"Babe! Those were worth a lot of money" you said.

"Why waste money on box of cigarettes, when you can waste your money on taking me out to dinner?" she asked "And besides, it's for the best"

"You're going to be the death of me Jang Wonyoung" you said.

"No, those box of cancer sticks will be the death of you. I'm the one helping you out" she said as she pecked your lips.

Time past an Wonyoung, in fact, did help you quit. She accompanied you to your therapies for smokers, and she would even embarrass you in public if she found you trying to buy a box of cigarettes. Yes indeed, you had your days where you craved it so much. However, you can now say that you're still alive and have been clean for a very long time. All thanks to Wonyoung.

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