41. How I Met Your Mother: Irene (RED VELVET)

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You and your little family were seated at the dinner table. You and your wife feeding your two youngest while your two older one were eating by themselves.

"Open wide Yeri" your wife Irene said as she ever so gently shoved the food in her mouth.

"Here comes the airplane" you said as you let the spoon fly all over the place before letting it land in Joy's mouth.

Irene stood up and went to scoop more for Yeri and herself.

"Daddy" your oldest child Seulgi called out to you.

"Yes Princess" you responded while wiping Joy's mouth.

"How did you and Mommy meet?" Seulgi asked.

"Well when we were younger, me and you guys' Mommy went to the same school. And your Mommy had a huge crush on me..." you started.

"Excuse me?" Irene called out in disbelief.

"Daddy, what's a crush?" Wendy asked as her head tilted with confusion.

"It's like how you feel with Zuho" Seulgi said, making Wendy get it almost immediately.

"Woah what? Who's Zuho?" you asked as you looked at the both of them.

Using their small hands, they zipped shut their lips and threw the imaginary key elsewhere.

"Anyways, back to me and your Mommy. Your Mommy liked me so much she kept asking me to go out with her" you said.

"Excuse me?" Irene interjected while laughing at your story.

"I told her no at first. But she cried and begged me to be her boyfriend so I just said 'okay' and that's when we got together" you said while laughing.

"That's so sweet" Seulgi said.

"That's so not what happened" Irene said as she came and lightly slapped your shoulder, sitting down.

"Eh?" Wendy responded.

"Your Daddy here was a bad boy. He kept picking on me and when I couldn't take it anymore, I yelled at him. And that's when he admitted that he picked on me because he liked me" Irene said.

"Woah! That is totally not how it happened" you laughed at her version of the story "That's such a cliche"

"It was more accurate than yours" Irene said letting out a small giggle.

"Bad boy? Me? Bad boy?" you asked flabbergasted.

"Were you not a bad boy Daddy?" Seulgi asked.

"I..." you started.

"So Daddy was mean to Mommy and then they fell in love" Seulgi said trying to connect the dot.

Silence made its presence known. It wasn't an awkward silent, it was more of a comfortable silence where the only thing being heard was the utensils scraping against the plates. Until Wendy let out a loud gasp and clutched onto Seulgi.

"Unnie! That means you and BamBam will fall in love! He's always mean to you!" Wendy shrieked.

"Wait a minute! Wendy no screaming at the table. And Seulgi, who is this BamBam boy?" Irene questioned.

"And why is his name BamBam?" you asked concerned for the unknown kid.

"He's just a friend Mommy" Seulgi said.

"Yeah he better stay as a friend" you said lowly.

"But they're gonna fall in love Daddy. That's how you and Mommy fell in love" Wendy said.

"Nope! Mommy was lying. Daddy was telling the truth. I loved you guys' Daddy so much that I couldn't keep my feelings to myself. I kept telling him that I loved him and he kept saying no" Irene said.

"Don't forget the part where you cried and begged me" you laughed earning a playful glare from Irene.

"Wow Mommy. You must've really loved Daddy for you to cry and beg for him to be yours" Wendy said.

"Yup. I loved your Daddy so much back then" Irene said through gritted teeth, making you laugh even more.

"Also, let's not forget about..." you started while laughing only to be cut off by Irene.

"Don't push it, enough with the story time y/n. My lovely husband... Do the dishes" she said and got up and escorted the girls out of the kitchen, leaving you in your chair shocked at the fact that she's making you do the dishes.

After a few minutes, you were rinsing the soap off of the dishes. Irene came and helped by drying them with the towel.

"Kids are taking a nap" she said as she finished drying the last.

She brought a bottle of wine and grabbed two glasses. She poured you and her some wine and began sipping.

"I can't believe your story made it seem like I was totally desperate to be with you" Irene said making you choke on your wine.

"Were you not?" you asked as you sipped the wine.

"I mean..." she blushed "I was, but I never shed a single tear for you"

"I say that my version is a better and more accurate version. It's Wattpad material" you said with pride "Bad boy? How was I a bad boy when I was a straight A student?"

"Would you rather us tell the girls how we actually met?" she giggled.

"Sure let's be like, I met your Mommy at the club. I was helping a beautiful woman throw up her guts outside of the club after she threw up on my shirt. Next thing I know, we're taking shots and sharing drinks while dancing together. We get so fucked up that we take an Uber to my place. Let's not forget the fact that we fucked that same night which might I add, gave us Seulgi" you said laughing while Irene sipped her wine with a blush creeping onto her face.

"So I was a baby of a one night stand?" a voice asked causing you both to choke on your wines.

"Mind your business, this is grown folk's business" you shouted as you noticed Seulgi leaning against the wall with a smirk plastered on her face.

"I won't say a single word. But Wendy has to do all my chores for two weeks straight" Seulgi said in which you and Irene immediately agreed.

Seulgi walked up the stairs and into her room, the moment her door closed, Irene his her face in her hands.

"Oh my gosh! How embarrassing!" she quietly shrieked knowing that one of your kids now knows the truth.

"I thought you said the kids were napping!" you quietly yelled at her.

"They were!" she quietly said back.

"Well obviously she wasn't sleeping because now she's knows how we really met" you said while giggling and Irene groaning as she throws her face into the palm of her hands, embarrassed.

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