34: Away: Ryujin (ITZY)

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Please... I am no doctor of any sort. I just used google and my imagination cus I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Sorry...

Parking the car, you barely hung up the call with your sister Yeji, whom you called first to deliver the news that you were now finished with your mandatory service. You were deployed as a surgeon for the injured ones, that once word got out that you were discharged, hospitals have been trying to get into contact with you to be on their teams. You walked down the long pathway that led to the door that separated the outside world from your cozy home. You slid the key in and opened the door, walking into the familiar setting, letting it sink in that you were in fact, home. You looked around and noticed that everything was in its place like the last you visited. You placed your bag down gently, wanting to keep your presence a secret and made your way up the stairs. The shower was on so you wanted to surprise her in the room. You opened the bedroom door to see your girlfriend lying in bed, fighting for dear life to keep her eyes open. You walked towards the bed and smiled as she looked at you, her eyes becoming wide as she screamed aloud.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she hid her bare body underneath the blankets.

"I got discharged today. I wanted to surprise you and take you out on a date" you said with a huge smile on your face.

You noticed her eyes darting from the door to you and then back to the door. Until it opened and a random guy came running into the room.

"Baby, why are you screaming?" he asked only to freeze when he made eye contact with you.

"Baby?" you asked aloud, more so to yourself.

You began to look around the room and noticed that certain items that were primarily for men, were present in the room. Those items obviously not belonging to you. You looked at the guy who was only in a towel and to your girlfriend who was hiding underneath the blankets and back at the guy.

"How long has thing been going on?" you asked.

"This isn't anything baby," Ryujin managed to mutter out only to shrivel back into the blanket when you glared at her.

"Baby? Who is this guy Ryujin?" he said as he pointed at you.

"I'm her boyfriend of five years. Who the hell are you?" you asked bluntly.

"I'm her boyfriend of three years" he said as you were now staring at Ryujin, who managed to only peak from underneath the covers.

"You guys started when I first left for the army?" you asked in disbelief.

A scoff managed to escape your lips as you began to put two and two together. Why she never really paid attention to you when you were home and the constant late night phone calls where all you wanted to do was have her wrapped in your arms. You walked out of the room, Ryujin calling after you as you walked down the stairs, grabbed your bag, and exited the door. After getting into your car, you began driving off. You looked back in the mirror and saw her run out the house, still enveloped in the blanket. You watched her stop running onto the street and watched you drive off. You called Yeji, whom immediately picked up after the second ring.


"I need a place to crash. I don't want to be home"

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