26. Be Mine: Yuna (ITZY)

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You were one of the most popular boys in the school. Girls and guys wanted to be in a relationship with you but you turned them down. Usually, they would get the hint and ask to continue to be friends, in which you don't mind. It's just, Yeji has been having a hard time comprehending that you don't want to be in a relationship with her. She would always come to you, latching her arms to yours, and trying to get close to you.

You were walking when you turned the corner and bumped into someone, making you both fall down to the ground.

"Oh my goodness, y/n oppa!" Yeji shouted as she rushed to you "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

You told her that you were okay, you looked at the person to who you bumped into, and your breath got caught in your throat. There on the ground, was your crush Yuna.

"Are you okay?" you asked as she looked at you with wide eyes.

You couldn't help but smile as you saw her nod her head. You got up and helped her pick up the things that had fell when you both collided.

"I'm so sorry, I should've watched where I was going" you said.

"It's okay" Yuna said as she tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear.

"Yah! How dare you bump into my y/n" Yeji said.

"I-I'm so sorry" Yuna states as she rushed away.

"I swear these peasants think they can do anything" Yeji mumbled.

Days past and you would see Yuna more often. In the halls, the canteen, walking to and from school. You couldn't help but find this small crush forming. So you made attempts to talk to her. Whether it be walking with her to and from school, sitting with her in the canteen, or even studying in the library after school. It wasn't until a couple days ago did you find her acting a bit strange. She would walk the other way when she sees you, she would get up and leave the moment you sit down with your lunch, she even stopped going to the library to study. You couldn't take it anymore, you needed answers. After the bell rang, signaling the day to be done, you grabbed her wrist, and pulled her to the court yard.

"Have I done something to you?" you asked making her avoid eye contact.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You've been avoiding me like I have some kind of deadly disease" you said as she continued to avoid eye contact.

"It's nothing y/n" she said.

"Then why have you been avoiding me?" you asked.

"It's just..." Yuna started but stopped talking when Yeji showed up.

"Good morning you guys" she said as she gave Yuna a death glare.

"Ah I forgot that I have something to do" Yuna said as she rushed away.

"Weird" Yeji said as you both watched her scurry away.

Later on that day, you were in the canteen while Yeji and her little clique were in the court yard with Yuna.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from y/n?" she asked.

"Wait, he approached me. I tried walking away" Yuna said.

"You could've walked away" Yuna said.

"I tried Yeji, I swear" Yuna said.

"Lies... Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, finish her" Yeji demanded.

The girls began to beat Yuna, pushing her to the ground, pulling her hair, slapping her. Her screams echoed throughout the court yard as the three continued to beat her. Yeji on the other hand, stood there recording the happenings as she laughed. She told the girls to stop as she noticed that her screams died down.

"Let's go," Yeji said as she kneeled to Yuna's height "Tell y/n, and I'll end you"

You decided to ditch your last class and walk around the courtyard. You noticed something in the distance, walking to it. The moment you realized it was a person, you sprinted towards them. You removed the hair from her face and was shocked to see Yuna, bruised and unconscious.

"Yah! Yuna, wake up! What happened to you?" you asked as you shook her lightly.

You picked her up and ran to the infirmary. You kicked the door open, and shouted for the nurse to help you.

"What happened?" she asked as she hopped out of her chair and was immediately right by your side.

"I'm not sure, I found her in the court yard" you said.

"Alright, you may stay with her" she said as she began to clean her cuts and put the ointment on the cuts and bruises.

You sat in the chair, petting her hair, as you stared at her.

"Who would do this to you?" you asked yourself.

You noticed that she slowly began to open her eyes. You got up and held her face.

"Hey, Yuna? Do you remember what happened to you?" you asked.

She nodded her head but tears were forming in her eyes.

"I can't tell you because this might happen again. Maybe even worst" she said.

"Please Yuna. Let me just protect you, let me love you. Just tell me who did this to you" you begged her.

She whispered the name but you could manage to hear it. You got up, kissed her forehead, and walked out the infirmary, telling Yuna that you'll be back for her.

The bell rang signaling that school was done, you made your way to the classroom.

"Yeji" you said making her turn to you.

"Oh y/n oppa!" she exclaimed as she hugged you.

You grabbed her wrist and walked a secluded area. Throwing her to the wall.

"Leave Yuna alone" you said.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"I know you and your little group beat her. And I'm telling you now, leave her alone. If you keep this up, you'll make me very angry" you said as you walked away from her.

"What does she have that I don't? I've confessed to you so many times and yet you've turned down all of my confessions" Yeji said as she grabbed your wrist.

"She doesn't have the bad attitude of yours. And she's beautiful inside and out" you said as you walked away, leaving Yeji screeching in the distance.

You walked back into the infirmary and grabbed her face. You kissed her lips, with her immediately kissing you back. You pulled back and smiled.

"Be mine Yuna" you said.

"What about Yeji!" she asked.

"I took care of it already" you said "She won't bother you anymore"

Hearing that, made a smile appear on her face as she nodded to be your girlfriend.

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