Chapter 2

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~Blaine's Pov~
"Bro if you don't stop this, your dad is going to kill you bro","Fuck it man. What is he going to do? Kill me?",I said while driving even faster. My dad is one of the most well known people in this Country. A perfect and handsome businessman. Makes money like shit. But the bad side of it are the responsibility's. Not only his but also we need to ''behave well'' because we represent his business. Its been a long time since I actually cared about that, wich makes him even more angry. I know soon its going to have bad consequences but for now I am just having fun. I am the trouble child.

"B slow down!!",my best friend matteo said. "Bro don't be a fucking pussy man".In the back I could see blue lights approching us. The next moment we got chased by a police car and now I am fucked. I slowed down and the police car stopped right infront of me. I know that I am not in serious trouble with the police.

Everytime I get pulled over they don't charge me because of my father, but I am in serious trouble when my father finds out. He was thinking about kicking me out of his business since I work with him, but he knows that I actually work hard and do a lot for the business so that might not be what he was actually going to do. Let's see what his punishment will be.

Later that night I wen't home at 11 pm. I opened the door and already saw the angry face of my father. „You don't learn from your mistakes, do you?","Dad I wasn't even driving that fast-.", he cut me off."Enough! I don't have the patience to deal with you anymore. Your mom and I are thinking of something to get you out of this shit so you can finally grow up and take more responsibilitys. When I was in your age I was already a father and build my own business. Its a shame for our familiy that you still behave like a teenage boy!". „Dad calm down. This was the last time"," I've already heart these words a lot. W'ell talk tomorrow. Now go to sleep we have an important meeting romorrow morning.". I did as he said.

To be honest I am scared of my dad. When he gets really angry he turns into a beast. But in order to turn him into a beast, you really need to do something bad. Like me. Its not the first time that I exceed my limits.

~Delana's Pov~
My Exams are soon and I get more and more exidet each day. The loss of my parents hit me hard and due to that my grades dropped dramtically. I was able to get all my old grades back in these last 2 Months but honestly these are not enough for a scholarship. I need to be even better. I was already studying 6 hours today and slowly my eyes start to shut. I can't sleep properly since the accident. I get nightmares about it every single night. The longest time of sleep I had was 3 hours but that was also 2 weeks ago.

I miss my parents a lot. They would have supported me during this time. My father was great in maths wich is also the reason why I am so good. He always taught me different tricks to do stuff easier. My Aunt and Uncle are not really impressed by the idea of me going into medical school. Maybe it is because they don't have the money to pay for it, but I won't need it if I get the scholarship. The only people that really support me right know are my two elder cousins. They help me in biology and chemistry and always keep me updated about informations for medical school. I need a 4.0 but I only have a 3.4. Its not bad but I won't get into medical school with these grades. I have a lot of work to do and I hope I am not going to experience anything bad the upcoming time.

My stomach started growling and my energie got very low so I decided to eat something. On my way to the kitchen I walked by the livingroom and caught my aunt,uncle and cousins in a discussion. „Mom,dad we can't do this to her. She just lost her parents, she doesen't need another trauma and she has her own plans for her future","I know son but that is not really an option. I can't pay that much money and honestly do you really believe she is going to make the scholarship? The family I picked out is perfect. I know this men since my childhood and he is one of the richest men in the country. He already agreed on the deal. We will get our part and she will have a perfect future with his son",I heard my uncle say. They were clearly talking about me but I didn't understand what they meant?

Did they wan't to give me to another Family and what does the son have to do with it. „Aiden listen son. Your dad and I tought about this since the day she came here 3 months ago and its perfect. Not only for us but also for them. She will have a great future",my aunt said. „By marrying a boy like blaine?! Have you lost your mind? I know how he is, every weekend he has another girl on his side, drinks like shit and drives like he wants to die. I am not letting my cousin marry a men like him".

The last sentence hit me like a rock. Marry? I am 17. I turn 18 in coupe days. They can't be serious. Tears built up in my eyes. Do they honestly think thats what a perfect future is for me? Because of money? My tears startet running down my face. „Aiden enough! She is going to marry him no matter what. The deal is already done since this morning and nobody is going to tell her. I am going to talk to her. Blaine is a good businessmann and his weekend activities are normal for his age. He takes responsibility and has the resources to make her happy. So let it be.","Does he even now that he is getting forced into a marriage with a girl that is seven years younger?", stev my other cousin asked.

„No. His father will tell him today and these next days we are going to dinner together.". I heard my uncle standing up so I hurried and rushed into the kitchen. My appetite was ruined. I can't marry. Not now. Not with a man that is seven years older than me. I tried to quiet my sniffes and wipe my tears away but I couldn't. My heart was broken. Out of all my family members I chose to stay with the ones who aranged a marriage for me. I felt so safe with them I can't believe it. In a couple days I am turning 18 and they can make me legally marry him. „I am so sorry lil sis".
I turned around and saw aiden standing in the door. I said nothing and hugged him tight. He tried his best to change his parents mind but there isn't much he can do. „Its okay. You tried your best",I said. „I am not done yet. I will talk to them again and maybe he doesen't want to marry you neither. Then his dad might drop the deal.",he said with a hopefull smile. „I hope so","You will become a doctor lana I promis this to you. They can only force you into this marriage over my dead body."he said and wiped my tears away.

He is the only person I can trust right now. I now have to work even harder for school. If I get that scholarship I am rescued from this marriage. I don't want to spend my life as a wife of a rich husband that is working all week and spends weekends in clubs while I stay at home and do high society shit. These next days are going to be pure horror.

Hello guys,
I hope you like the story so far. I try my best to keep the tension high but I am struggling to be honest. It isn't as easy as I tought and I have to work on my technique but I hope that you can give me feedback so I know what I have to improve. <3

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