Chapter 16

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He pulled out of me and fell onto the bed next to me. A feeling of fear took over me. What if he is going to be distant to me again. I wanted to stand up to go and clean myself but I couldn't even move my shaking legs.

„Wait here",he said as he went into his bathroom and came back with a warm towel. He cleaned me up and gave me a shirt from him. He helped me put it on before lifting the sheets up and covering my body with them.

He put on his boxers again and got under the sheets with me. He grabbed me by my waist pulling me on his chest and striking with his fingertips over my arm.

I felt him breathing the scent of my hair in and I decieded to turn around and face him. I looked in his eyes and placed my hand on his cheek placing a soft kiss on his lips. „Good night",I whispered. „Good night love",he responded before sending me into a peaceful sleep.

The best sleep I ever had in my whole life. When I opened my eyes I felt two arms embracing me and keeping me warm. I smiled when I saw the tattoo's on blaines arm remarking him. I tried to move so I could go to the bathroom but he pulled me back into his arms again.

„No stay",he hummed into my neck and I chuckled. „I need to use the bathroom","I don't care. Your not going anywhere",he growled. He turned me around to face him and stroke my hair. „Good morning love",he whispered while his eyes scanned over my face,"Good morning",I whispered as I leaned my chin on his chest.

„Kill me if I hurt you one day",he bursted out. I just laughed and placed my hand on his chest. „I will. Don't worry". He chuckled massaged my back under the sheets.

„I can't believe you were a virgin","why","What you did last night...It was the best I ever experienced",he said with a smile on his face. I laughed and he placed a kiss on my forehead.

We both enjoyed the moment until a phone ring took us out of it.

~Blaine's Pov~
As my eyes roamed over her my phone started ringing and I picked it up in annoyance. „What?","Sir the head of the spanish mafia is here at the ware house. He wants to meet you". Fuck. Not now. Not today „I am on my way",I said and hung up.

„Where are you going",she asked while she looked at me with sad eyes. „Work. You will need to get used to this",I said as I kissed her forehead. „Downstairs in the kitchen is our maid Cynthia. If you need something go to her.","A maid?","Yes and 70 bodyguards",I added and she opened her eyes wide.

„What?",she asked completely unbelievably. I just laughed before going into my closet and changing into a suit. I saw lana approaching the room in the mirror as her eyes roamed over my back.

„When are you coming back?",she asked while leaning on the closet. „I don't know. If you get bored tell the guards to bring you to laura. But nowhere else. We just married. People are going to be all over you",I said as I put on my suit jacket and turned around to her.

Her sad face made me feel guilty. This isn't the life she deserves. She needs to live in peace and freedom. Not trapped in a massive mansion all alone.

„I am sorry lana. I will come back as soon as possible. And if you need me. Call me. I will pick up.". I said before kissing her softly and leaving.

I needed to get over this spanish mafia. They are all over us and I don't think that they finally are going for peace.

When I arrived at the warehouse everybody was inside waiting around the table where Antonio González the head of the spanish mafia was sitting.

„Ouhh. The groom finally decieded to show up to. Congratulations!",he said in a sarcastic tone. „What do you want?",I asked annoyed and sat down right across him. „Peace",he said.

„Okay. I am listening",I said as I leaned back on my seat. „I will get the next three gun delivery's and a dinner with you and your lovely wife.","Never",I hissed.

„Well thats my offer to you","Well then fuck off",I said as I stood up. I stopped in my movement when guns where held on my head. My security raised their guns onto antonio's men and I turned around.

„You can have 1 deliver. That's all. No dinner or anything in relation with my wife",I said as I stood there tall over him. „I will meet her anyways. Forget the deal.",he said and got out of the building.

Fucking asshole. I knew this would happen. I have to protect her at all costs. I decided to go to train my shooting and fighting skills. I am already very good but its also a stress killer for me. So I enjoy it.

~Delana's Pov~
Now I was home alone. In this massive home. I already lost my way 4 times today and I really can't get used to it. I was lying in the sun in the garden while reading my book. I haven't talked to any of my family members yet. I didn't even look at my phone yet.

When I stood up and walked in the kitchen I met a lovely middle aged women. „Hello dear. I am cynthia your maid. If you need something please let me know mrs ace","Oh please just call me Lana","How ever you wish...Lana",she asked as a smile appeared on her face. A lovely women.

„Are you hungry?","No thanks I first want to work out. Is there a gym in this house?","Yes in the basement the second door on the right",she explained. „Okay thank you.",I said before going upstairs and changing into work out clothes.

I enjoyed the peace of no homework, no exams and just silence. I haven't worked out in so long. I really missed it so much. It's a stress relief for me.

I walked into the basement looking for the gym. When I opened it I was shocked my the size of the gym. There was every kind of gym equipment. Even a pilates reformer and heavy bag. Perfect playground for me.

I worked out for a bit more than a hour before making my way up to the kitchen. Cynthia wasn't there so I decided to make myself some oatmeal and a green juice. I often don't really eat but if I do I eat as healthy as possible.

I sat down in the garden as I enjoyed my breakfast. Waiting for blaine to come home. The memories of last night appeared a smile on my face. The contract was irrelevant from now on. At least thats what I think.

Spice coming up in the next chapter so stay tuned 🌶 😈

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