Chapter 17 *TW*

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It was already 1 am. No sign from Blaine. No call. No texts. Nothing. I spend the day pacing around in the house and trying to calm the fuck down but it doesn't work. What if something happened to him.

I finally decided to lay into bed and try to get some rest. Just as I was closing my eye I heard footsteps on the stairs.

I quickly ran to the door and saw blaine standing in the hallway, looking more than exhausted.

„Come here",he said and opened his arms for me and I quickly walked into them.

His arms embraced my body and his fingers squeezed my skin.

„Where have you been?",I whispered into the crouch of his neck.

„Work",he quickly replied. Something inside me told me he was lying.

I wanted to say something but he lifted me up by my thighs and took me to his room. He placed me on his bed and slowly started kissing my neck.

„Blaine",I said and tried to push him off but he was resistant. „Blaine!",I said and he finally pulled away laying next to me frustrated.

„What happened?",I asked as I stroke his face. He just closed his eyes and sighed out loud.

„I am just exhausted babe",he said and finally looked at me. I pulled him into another kiss. He replied the kiss hart before kneeling over me and taking off my shirt and shorts. I bottomed up his shirt and he took it off revealing his tattoos and muscles.

I placed my hands on his biceps gripping onto it as he traveled his hands down to my inner thigh then up my clit rubbing it in circular motions.

I moaned in pleasure as he lowered his kisses from my neck to breasts. He sucked on my already hard nipples as he started pumping his finger inside me.

I groaned out and my breathing got heavier. My hands run up his neck to his head as I grabbed onto it.

„You're all mine. So wet for me. Just for me.",he groaned as he sucked on my skin.

„I'm-„,"cum mi amore",he cut me off as he let go of my breasts and started sucking and licking my pussy.

This man is going to kill me one day. If I would've known that he would make me feel so good. I would have married him in the same second.

I reached my high and watched him licking every single juice that came out of me while not breaking eye contact.

Fuck he is hot.

He unbuckled his belt and slipped out of his pants and boxers revealing his enormous dick directly staring at me.

A smirk appeared on my face causing him to chuckle.

„Take it tesoro its all yours",he said as he crawled up to me lining his cock on my throbbing pussy. He put on a condom before putting the tip in me.

„Look me in the eyes and don't you dare to look away. Or I'll stop",he demanded and I just nodded impatiently.

He smirked before pushing himself into me causing me to arch my back.

My body was vibrating and a tingling feeling went through me.

I stared him into his eyes while he had one hand to the headboard of the bed banging it on the wall and gripping my thighs with the other.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, grabbing his biceps tighter and not breaking eye contact.

He lifted one of my legs over his shoulder allowing him to get deeper.

I moaned out his name and slightly closed my eyes. „Don't",he warned and my eyes shut open again looking back at his pleasure filled face.

Our groans and moans filled the room while he fucked me possessively.

„Harder",I panted. „I can't heat you love. Speak up","Harder blaine",I moaned out loud and he finally went harder hitting the right spot without fail.

I felt my walls clenching around him the same as he did. „Cum baby.",he demanded and the next moment my juices released the same moment as his warm cum filled the condom.

I relaxed into the sheets breathing hard while he cried to catch his breath before taking off his condom, throwing it away and putting a new one on.

„I am not done with you yet tesoro",he whispered inside my ear and licking my earlobe and down on my neck.

I pulled his neck to my face smashing my lips on his before turning us around so I sat on top of him. „Now its my turn",I said as he smirked while his eyes scanned over my body and his hands stroke my hips.

I sucked on his neck down to his chest and then his abdomen. I placed soft kisses on them lowering my kisses slowly.

I heard him groan and grow beneath me. „Your killing me",he hissed. „Don't tease me",he threatened me breathing heavy.

„You're like a needy teenager mr. Ace",I said with a smirk on my face before grinding on him.

He moaned out loud and grabbed onto my hips tight rolling them on his dick.

„You want me to take it so bad right?",I asked and watched this huge scary looking man underneath me beging me to fuck him.

„Yes tesoro",he groaned and I finally took his huge cock into my juice flowed pussy.

He groaned as I sat on it and started to ride him. I closed my eyes as I let my head fall back and moaning out loud.

I supported myself by holding onto his shoulders while his eyes didn't leave my bouncing tits.

„Your a sexy fucking beauty",he said in a deep voice watching me ride him.

I wanted to make him feel good. I wanted to please him. Show him how much I worship him. I wanted to be the only thing he thought about.

I kissed his naked chest and licked my way up to his jaw and placing soft kisses along his jaw. I felt his jaw twitch.

He liked it. I turned him on. I had an affect on him.

I smashed my lips on his and biting into his bottom lip before picking up my pace and riding him harder.

„Fuck. Lana",he moaned and liftet his hips, smashing his dick inside me.

I cried out in pleasure as the sounds of our moan's and body's clapping echoed in the room.

I hope no one is home except from us. Or it will be very embarrassing.

Both of us reached our high's in the same moment but I continued grinding on him softly while both of us released inside me.

I finally fell onto his chest as I tried to catch my breath while listening to his fastend heart beat.

„You are a fucking goddess lana",he spoke up before picking me up and bringing me into the shower.

That's is what I needed to hear. That's all.

He placed me on to the counter of the sink and started cleaning me and throwing his condom away. He kissed my inner thighs while cleaning my sore pussy.

After we both laid in bed, cuddled up in complete silence. As I was about thrive into my sleep I heard him whisper.

„Good night my love. I love you".

The best three words he could have ever said to me.


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