Chaptet 22

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~Blaine's Pov~

I fucked up. She found out. I knew she was going to react this way.

„Lana listen.",I said as I stood up and walked to her.

She stopped me by putting her hands between us.

„I don't want to hear a single word. So you kill people? You sell drugs? Deal with women?",her voice was shaky.

„No lana fuck no. I have nothing to do with that. I didn't even volunteer to take over this mafia. My dad demanded. If I don't follow his orders he'll kick me out of the company.",I tried to explain but she shook her head.

Tears fell down her cheeks wich broke my heart.

„Fuck you blaine. Fuck you and your lies. Fuck you and your money. Fuck you and your company. Fuck you and everything else in this house. You can be glad that I am not leaving now because of the contract.",she said as she cried.

„I thought I knew you. I believed that you are a good person. Who are you blaine. Did you always want to hide it from me?",she asked.

I couldn't answer. She was right. I don't deserve her. I am not a good person. She deserves better than me.

I didn't say anything anymore.

I took my phone and left the house.

I need to stay away from her.

2 weeks later

~Delana's Pov~

I haven't seen blaine in 2 weeks since he just left the house that night.

He comes home every night when I am already sleeping to sleep but leaves the house at 5 am.

I always stay up and wait for him to be home because I am honestly scared that something might happen to him.

He works in a dangerous environment. Everything could happen.

I spend everyday crying in my room. I don't leave it even though he isn't home.

Also I had terrible stomach pain these last days. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten in 3 days.

I got pulled out of my thoughts as I heard a knock on my door.

It was cynthia. „Miss can I please come in",she asked behind the closed door.

I hesitated before giving up. „Yeah cynthia come in".

She came in and had a pity look in her face.

„Don't look at me like that. I am fine",I warned her.

„Miss you haven't eaten your meal again",she said as she looked at the grilled cheese and tomato soup on my nightstand.

I love this food but I can't eat it. And i don't want to force it.

„I am not really hungry","You are gonna die when you don't eat",she said.

„Don't be dramatic",I said as I chuckled. „Okay not you but we will die when you don't eat. Mr. Ace is really-.",she talked and pointed a finger to the door where joey stood but I cut her off.

„If mr. Ace even thinks about something like that, I will kill him with my bare hands",I said.

She nodded in response.

„Miss is there anything I can do for you?",joey asked.

„No joey. But thank you. Both of you. You guys really take good care of me.",I said and smiled.

„That is what we get paid for ma'am",joey said.

I nodded and both of them left the room.

Here I was again. Alone in this bold room. I took my I pad and did some work for medical school.

I have my entrytest for medical school already in two months and I haven't done anything.

~Blaine's Pov~

I sat in my office as I checked the cameras from our home.

Lana was nowhere to be seen. I haven't seen her in 2 weeks but I already miss her so much.

Not only her touch and body but also her beautiful eyes and laugh. The way she makes me feel. I act like an absolute simp in front of her. Or I turned into one.

I decided to call joey to make sure she was okay.

„Joey where is Lana. I checked the cameras and she is nowhere to be seen.".

„She is in her room sir","Still? It's been two weeks?","I know. She doesn't eat neither",he said.

My heart sank.

It's all because of me. She is broken because of me.

I can't blame her though. She is a 18 year old girl who married a 25 year old „businessman" who turns out to be a mafia leader.

I don't deserve her. I will divorce her as soon as she gets into medical school.

She deserves to be happy and free. To live a normal life.

Even though I don't want her to go.

She lights up my world. But I need to let her go.

I want her to be happy.

„Force her",I said through gritted teeth. „Cynthia tried but it doesn't work. She throws up right after",he explained.

My whole body tensed. She is going to die if it goes on like that.

„Find a way to feed her or I will have to take serious consequences",I said and hung up.

It can't be that hard to feed a women.

I have been working non-stop since the russian mafia showed up at home.

I need to keep delana safe from them. They are bloody interested in meeting her after seeing the wedding pictures.

I got pulled out my thoughts as I got a message.

Benjamin: Club tonight? 12 pm?

I think I need this.

~Delana's Pov~

It was almost midnight when the pain in my stomach got worst.

I groaned and screamed as I laid in bed with my cramping stomach.

Blaine wasn't home yet but he will be here any moment.

I waitet for him but he didn't came.

I decided to call him. I dialed his number but he didn't pick up.

I called him 24 times and left a voice mail each time.

Maybe something happened to him. Maybe he got shot.

As I was worrying about what might have happened to blaine my stomach Pain got worse.

„Aaaahhh",I screamed out until I heard footsteps rushing to my room.


The door opened and disappointment build inside me when I saw joey come in.

„Miss is everything okay?",he asked out of breath.

„No- No joey I need to go to the ER. Please help me out of bed",I said.

He nodded and helped me stand up on my shaky legs.

I felt a warm liquid running down my inner thighs.

This can't be my period. I already had it this month.

I looked at joey who looked at me terrified.

„Are you shot?",he asked. „No",I answered in a shaky voice.

He rushed to the bathroom and gave me a towel before picking me up and bringing me into one of the cars.

„Where is blaine?",I asked as I laid in the backseat and joey and another guard sat down infront.

„He is busy ma'am",joey answered.

Too busy? Seriously?

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