Chapter 4

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When my cousin and aunt came back from work, we directly made our way to the mall. We went through every single store and looked for the perfect dress but none really impressed me. „Come on lana.",my aunt sighed while looking for a dress. „You have to wear something elegant and classy. What about this one",she said while holding up the most ugly dress I have seen in my life.

My cousin hide his laugh while I rolled my eyes. „I wont ever wear anything like this", I said and turned around to look for one myself. In the courner of my eye I found a perfect dress. It was black and classy. „This one",I said whilest holding the dress up to my aunt and cousin. „There is no way I am gonna allow you to wear that",my cousin said with a grin in his face. „No one is aksing for your premission. It looks beautiful lana go try it on",my aunt said while giving me my size. I out on the dress and fell in love with it. It perfectly hugged my waist and hips, bringing out my curves.

The long sleeves but open cleavage was perfect

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The long sleeves but open cleavage was perfect. I stepped out and saw my aunts jaw dropping. „Oh my... this dress was made for you",she said while turning me around by my hand. „Absoulty! You look beautiful lil sis",my cousin agreed and smiled at me. „Put it off and I'll go pay it",my aunt said wich shock me.

She usually never pays for me except for the food or hygiene stuff. I always use my savings or the money my parents have left me even though most of it was gone after I had to pay everything for the funeral myself. I took off the dress and changed back into my cargo's and crop top. My aunt paid and we went to get dinner. I odered a pizza and enjoyed that right after.

It was weird that I was so happy. I don't know why but some feeling inside me tells me to trust my family on this one. They only want the best for me and I will be able to go to college. I still know that I am gonna panick tomorrow but until then I will enjoy this day until my anxiety kicks in.

~Blaine's Pov~
I don't know what botheres me the most. Is it the fact that I am forced to this or the fact that she is so young. I mean she turns eighteen soon but she still is forced just as I am. I spend my whole day in the office and finished the paperwork I had left. Thanks to my father. After I was done I quickly made my way home to get some rest. I havent eaten anything besides breakfast but I honestly wasn't hungry neither. The only thing I wanted to do is taking a walk on the beach with my best friend lex.

She is a dog but still my best friend. The only thing that never fails to make me smile. At home I got greeted lovely by lex and after I changed into shorts and a hoody before taking her to the beach. Arriving at the beach I removed her leash and watched her run towards the ocean. I sat down on the sand and took deep breaths.

I know I don't have another chance than to marry her. But I cant love her. I will hold the marriage for a couple months so my reputation gets better but soon after I'll divorce her. I can't spend my life as a husband. Lex came running towards me. I played with her a while before making my way home again. Tomorrow I'll work from home since I don't have any meeting to attend to. After I'll go to the dinner and make the best out if it. I just can't give that girl any hope that we will end happy.

~Delana's Pov~
Back at home I pulled my cousin into the kitchen. „Aiden I need your help. I invited kaiden over and he is going to be here soon but I don't know how your dad is going to react because of the whole marriage thing so can you help me sneack him in?","A guy? At this time? Are you okay?",he asked shocked, „Yes! We are just friends come on. Just one favor", I sighed. „Okay but I am going to check on you every second.","Fine he is waiting outsside.". Aiden nod and made his way to the front door while I went into my room.

My door opened and Aiden came in with kaiden behind him. „Behave!",he hissed to kaiden before leaving. „Hey",he smiled while coming to hug me. „How are you?",he asked as he sat down right infront of me on my bed. „Good! I ate a whole pizza today",I said proud and exitet. „What? Seriously?",he asked suprised and I nodded in response. „How are you how is practice going?","Pretty good I have a game next week. I would love to see you in the crowd cheering for me.", he said smirking. „I will be there.",I smiled and looked down at my hands.

I feel like kaiden has other interests in me than friendship. I don't want to break his heart since I will marry soon. But honestly he makes me happy and is always by my side. I looked up and saw his eyes locked on me. „What about netflix?",he asked and earnd a smirk from me that soon turned into a smile. I nodded and pulled my Laptop out of my schoolbag.

We both layed down on my bed and mid movie I felt him putting his arm over me. I didn't mind and leaned my head against his chest. I felt safe and loved again. In a different way than my family makes me feel. He played with single strangs of my hair. This was going to end bad. I could feel it. As soon as my uncle finds out... I am fucked seriously fucked.

We spend the rest of the night talking and snuggling into each other. He told me a lot of things about him I didn't know before. And now we are sitting here in front of each other and just holding eye contact during a peaceful silence. „You look beautiful. Have I already told you today?",he broke the silence. I shook my head no and looked down on my hands since my face started blushing. „Thank you.",I whispered. It was nice to get all this affection from him. It put butterflies in my stomach. He came closer and put his hand on my cheek. He softly moved his thumb over my skin whilst scanning my face with his eyes. My heard started jumping like crazy. I looked down but the next moment he lifted my head by my chin. Our eyes locked and soon he laid his lips on mine.

My heartbeat picked up its paste and my stomach exploded. I slowly repeatet the kiss. Our lips moving perfectly on each other. I put my arms around his neck and grabbed the back of his head. His hands left my face and trailed down to my thighs. He lifted me up placing me on his lap while kissing me passionately. He placed both arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I never wanted this to stop. We sat there making out for 10 minutes until he stopped to take a breath. I placed my forehead on his while both of us catched our breaths.

„I should have done that way sooner",he whispered smiling against my lips before placing a short kiss on my lips. I chuckled placing my head on his shoulder. He picked up his phone and sighed. „Its already late. I should get going before anyone notices I am here.","Nooo. Stay. You can leave tomorrow morning when everyone is at work. Stay over this night.", I said while looking at him with puppy eyes. „How am I going to say no to you. Okay I'll stay",he said and made me the happiest. We both got under the sheets making out again before falling asleep. Yes you heard me right. I fell asleep. Probably the best sleep I had in the last months.

Hellooo loves,
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