Chapter 19 *TW*

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I laid in his bed impatiently waiting for him to get home. My eyes slowly shut and I felt the tiredness take over my body.

I haven't had nightmares in ages. In fact it stopped after my birthday. I don't know but blaine's presence offered me kind of protect.

I felt safe next to him.

In opened my eyes wide trying to prevent them from closing again as I heard foodsteps in front of the door.

I quickly sat up waiting for the door to open.

As the door open I saw blaine come in.

„Why aren't you sleeping",he asked confused. „I was waiting for you",I said as he sat down on the edge of the bed and hugging me.

He hid his face on the crouch of my neck and sniffed on my hair.

„Gosh. I missed this",he said before pulling away and cuping my face in his hands.

„You should be sleeping","And you should be home",I said angry.

„You just left the house. Without a note or anything","In fact I did",he said as he raised a finger.

I looked at him confused as he took a note from the nightstand giving it to me. I mentally slapped myself for this.

„Ouh","Yeah and I kissed you but you were sleeping",he said trying to make a point.

„I'm sorry but I missed you. So I was mad that you left so early",I said looking down.

„No baby. Don't be sorry. Trust me I missed you atleast as much",he said while lifting my face by my chin.

I grinned looking at him. „Did you think of me?",I asked.

„All the time",he replied with a soft smile on his face.

He placed a kiss on my lips and I pulled him on the bed as I repeated the kiss.

„Wait",he said as he pulled away and took his close off except for his boxers.

He got under the sheets as he pulled me closer by the waist realizing I was just wearing lingerie.

He sat up against the headboard while pulling me on his lap. „Dirty little girl",he smirked.

I chuckled as I straddled his lap and pulled him into a kiss. He repeatet it immediately while pressing our bodys together with one hand on my waist and one on my hips

He liftet his hips as he gave my hip a squeeze with his hand signing me to grind on it.

I rolled my hips on his growing bulge underneath me. I groaned and moaned on my motion controlling my hips with his hands.

His tongue brushed against my bottom lip and attackt my mouth as soon as I parted my lips.

I had one hand on his neck and one on the back of his head pulling him closer as he kissed me wild.

My pussy was soaking underneath me as he groaned into the kiss while biting my lip.

Fuck blaine.

~Blaine's Pov~
She was grinding on me like a professional not failing to making me hard.

I lowered my hand to the hem of her underwear lowering it to her already juicing clit and sticking a finger inside her.

He moaned into the kiss as I traveled my kisses down on her neck. „Blaine",she moaned out loud as I added another finger causing her to roll her hips on my hands.

I love it when she moans my name. Only my name in fact. Nobody else touched her than me. She is my girl. Nobody made me feel like she does. Nobody turns me on like she does. But only me.

„Come baby ride my fingers",I said while wildly sucking and licking her skin.

She fastened her pace and soon released her self on my hand. I sucked it off and reached to the nightstand, grabbing a condom.

She took it out of my hand slowly moving back on my thighs as she pulled down my underwear revealing my already hard dick.

She looked up to me as she smirked and kissed and played with my balls reasing my pulsing cock.

„Fuvk",I groaned as I let my head fall back on the headboard of the bed and gripping onto her hair.

She finally took him into her mouth twirling her tongue around it and bobbing her head up and down and rubbing the rest that didn't fit in her mouth with her hand.

„Fuck baby. Just like that",I moaned and she looked up to me as I didn't fail to see her little smirk.

She will kill me one day.

When I finally reached my high I released in her mouth as she swallowed it all and licked the rest of her thumb while looking me in to my eyes.

Fucking hell.

She put the condom on and crawled up to my lap again sitting on it.

She moaned as she started riding my cock. I watched her as she hold onto my shoulders closing her eyes and her head falling back.

She looked so beautiful. Her plump red lips from my kisses, her lightly sweaty hair and lightly parted lips while panting looked so good on her.

Only the look of her makes me want to smash her no matter where.

I pulled her closer to me so her forehead rested on mine. I had my hands on her ass squeezing it as she rode me.

My eyes traveled down to her tits bouncing with every motion.

I applied soft kisses on the burning skin of them making her moan even more.

We groaned and moaned as we both reached our highs and released.

She rested her head on my shoulder trying to catch her breath. As I stroke her back with my finger tips.

„If you continue this...I won't be able to keep my hands off you anywhere I see you",I whispered as she chuckled.

„Maybe thats what I want",she said as she looked me in my face making me chuckle.

I put my hand on her cheek while stroking it with my thumb and scanned over her face stopping at her eyes.

„Lana. You are more to me than just a nightly fuck. Just remember that. I go to work to provide you with the best life possible and I won't settle until I archived it. I will protect you at all cost no matter what",I said.

I wanted to tell her this already yesterday because I knew that i would disappear all of the sudden in the morning. I don't want her to feel dirty.

„I love you blaine",she whispered against my lips before putting her lips on mine.

I smirked a I repeated the kiss „I fucking love you too",I said and pulled her closer.

After I cleaned her up and laid her down on bed while spooning her from behind.

„Good night blaine",she whispered. „Good night love",I whispered back while sleeping in with the most beautiful scent in the world and the most beautiful human on this planet.

Don't forget to vote and comment everybody!! It really means a lot to me. <333
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